Samsung s8+. Just a gorgeous capable smartphone for its time.
I also have mailcow behind a dynamic in. I wrote a script that updates my cloud flare dns entries as soon as it detects that the ip changed.
I then use online services to check if they’re likely to get marked as spam
Twingate has been my go to. It’s amazing. Highly recommended.
Statistics and large numbers.
You should subrscibe to high&polite’s newsletter ;)
I asked to guide me through it all and I both learned as well as getting it all working.
There are places, if you know where to look.
Literally why docker was invented
I also don’t get the same results. I also have tracking and fingerprinting disabled everywhere.
Homarr should fit the bill I reckon :)
I just snagged a Lenovo thinkcentre m700 for £85 on eBay. It’s got an i5 2.7ghz, 16gb ram and 6usb3 ports. It’s perfect.
This is the correct and only answer :)