You will of course have read the article, and got the bit where it said :
Miller was held for three and a half hours under Section 7, which deprives detained people of their right to silence and privacy despite carrying no assumed suspicion
Can you take us through what happened cognitively, at this point ?
Because it means the police didn’t have to suspect him of anything. And there is nothing that says this did suspect him of anything .
We really need you to nail this bit, before we can explain the concept that “guilt by association “ is not a real thing, at least in English law.
It’s the same legal standard that means if your mom sells crack, you aren’t automatically a crack dealer also.
I am baffled as to why you should join the argument at this point, and talk about who Miller is, or is not.
If he was carrying a placard saying “burn the Jews” he is being antisemitic and should be arrested .
If he’s only been to funeral, he’s done nothing wrong. .
While you and others here are so obviously comfortable with your enemies being persecuted, I am not, because there’s a word for that ideology.