Setup 1password with a physical security key might fix that issue somewhat.
Idk, imagine being called a child, boy, preteen, teenager, or young adult when you're in your late 20s or older.
Hearing your friends say "the boys" or women hearing "the girls" is endearments between friends, not strangers.
For context, plenty of facepunch forum users came over after they closed their forum.
I use it now, and like it. Do you have any questions about it?
Nah, she disowned him actually.
Nothing like seeing all 3 of the same posts by you in my feed 🥰
That's a nest thermostat. Press the face inward to wake it, spin the dial to adjust settings.
Nah, how else will Republicans cry that solar energy is bad, and that we need coal and oil?
A man that would fuck and kill my child for an extra dollar! /s
Can you cite a source for that?
Also, I realize 150m is a lot of money to people.. But making only 150m ever from apple stock? Sounds like not alot considering apples valuation so I doubt him being a major holder with that profit from stocks, nor enough that I'd consider "ultra rich" when CEO of reddit makes more than that as a salary per year apparently. That's not even considering stock spez owns.
Judging by your comment history, you seem like a rather unhappy person. I hope you can find peace some day soon, I don't think social platforms will help you find that peace however. Good luck.
It's not that hard of a choice either ofc, given one is essentially required.