Moving to Albania might solve the problem.
Added to my rss feeds thanks!
I am a now Junior Acolyte follower of the pug
Upvoted because this is true. I knew that information so I can confirm it. I swear I did.
Travolta, Stallone, Dr.Jacoby, BlackMamba
"So you want to be a Pastafarian? Great. Consider yourself a member. " - Church of the flying spaghetti monster website.
That time I joined the Pastafarian church.
Of course. And I'm not saying you're a asshole, just that you sound like one.
No need to be an asshole and no need to presume I'm stupid. My kids dont have any tablet, we monitor screen/tv time and they play with my phone from time to time. That's enough for at least until they're 12. Every recent study shows that kids spend way too much time staring at screen.. It should be less then one hour a day, we keep it under two. I teach to young adult and this generation is litteraly addicted to their phone. Most have a 6 minutes attention spam and get anxious if they can't look at their phone for more then 10 minutes. Lot's of my friends kids have their own device and the parents keeps fighting with them over screen time. You do what you want, I'll keep my way.
The best tablet for a kid is no tablet. Screen time is a serious issue, dont mess with your kid's brain.
The problem is no other platform has that much content. Looking for an obscure scene from an old tv show? It's probably on YouTube. Wanna know more about Brigitte Bardot's career? Someone has a nice channel about her. The fact that the platform sucks amd his own by effing google doesn't change that there is just so much great niche content to be discovered. Hopefully we'll have a fully working foss alternative soon enough. I'll gladly pay for that if the money goes back to creators.
Am I the only one who doesn't have access to this? I'm in canada but using a VPN doesn't seem to change anything. Not that I care about AI, but I'd like to see the shitshow myself.