This is really neat and I’m just hearing about it after over twenty years of development. I need to try it out, thank you. How do you stay in the know about this kind of stuff? I’m curious about all the cool stuff out there I wouldn’t even know I’m curious to find.
I had a colleague that is legally blind in my second real job. The dude is brilliant (and hilarious) but these things would significantly enable or screw up his productivity. I have always felt fortunate to have had direct butt in seat exposure to the importance of accessibility at such a young age.
This is amazing. I was curious if you held an original thought this entire chain as I was reading it and your response ended up being “read this Wikipedia section for my thoughts”. I will concede that you are an astute parrot.
It makes me feel really dumb when I watch this stuff. The entire time I try to be open minded. I’m left being impressed with the individuals ability to research and articulate an obviously very thoroughly studied topic. They are obviously intelligent, I guess more so than I can relate, because all I am left with from the content is how pointless of a topic it is. No kidding words that we created are a method of communicating within the environment we exist. It’s like the stupid boat example, most generally when referring to the boat people are referring to the one registered, just as he said in the video. The others made from the scraps are boats made from the removed components of that registered vessel. None of this stuff seems complicated to me. He and others even seem aware of the pointless ridiculousness of it when he discusses the eyelash in the fridge example. So I’m left feeling that I’m obviously too stupid to understand the value, or objective, in such a pointless pursuit where everyone already recognizes conditions to words apply to communication while somehow finding value in beating the horse to death and picking it to death, for what I imagine is some goal I just can’t understand.
Who are you to call anyone or anything a cancer when you’re so obviously ignorant of basic information, the attitude comes across like an old man yelling at clouds.
Even if they were a cancer it’s not like it changes without improvement. Your entire premise is destructive and useless.
I’m so confused because I thought Rose was an amalgamation but you’re speaking of a singular individual in a factual way that makes me wonder how wrong I am. Is there really a Rose from the titanic that aligns with what you’re saying?
I’ve accepted this is my actual hobby
I really enjoyed my Samsung watch. I was able to give it a face that looked like a nice watch. It was round. I could get notifications without taking my phone out of my suit jacket. I still have it and it works with my work iPhone and personal android. I hardly have any use for it now that I work from home though.
My only reference point is that I found out my blind grandpa is on here a few months back. Maybe they are trying to influence behavior that supports that level of software integration for blind visitors and have trouble communicating in a socially acceptable way.
What are you referring to? I have a 2022 Kia and I press the lock button then hold the start button on my key fob to start it. Same sequence to turn it off.
I subscribed to the app my first year with the car mainly because I was able to reimburse it at work. It was nice being able to start remotely no matter how many floors away I was in the winter but since I work from home now I didn’t maintain the subscription anymore.
I don’t mind as much when supporting equitable efforts but it always bugs me when anyone claims something wouldn’t exist without X like nobody else contributed and/or advancements wouldn’t have been made without a specific individual and I feel like their are more constructive ways to communicate the significant value of women without the absurd claim that the web wouldn’t exist without the specific contributions from a very small subset of individual women in a field with many brilliant minds.