As a representative of, yeah, it's a fair bit political
One side wants to advance and protect human rights, and the other side wants to ensure some people never have those rights. While there are boneheads on both sides, the core arguments aren't same-same-but-different. And there seem to be way more people on the far right who are coal and in greater numbers than there are radical leftists.
We should make this list longer
While it is a generalization, it accurately covers the majority of Republicans who have been vocal online over the last few years.
Oh yeah, and that's only going to get worse. I'm honestly hoping for YouTube to somehow crash and have a reformation. I know that's a pipedream, but still
The high rises are have right angles. I'm guessing that's those are the edgy bits
I really want to feel that at least just once
Please somehow let YouTube/Google be next. Somehow.
How about the history of the state of Florida over the last five years
If I'm investing $400 in a giant skeleton, you bet your bum it's going to be a year round decoration with rotating, seasonal/holiday themes
Beautiful. It's very on brand for Creed. Thank you! :)
Shit, he's closer than the sun! How long is it relative to him?