Cory Doctorow's book Little Brother is available for free online in case you want to check out his writing style.
Bombard them with Marmite.
Work and looking forward to meeting friends from San Francisco & Dublin in Germany tomorrow.
Me and some friends won first place in a fictional stock exchange competition which was held in our province for economics classes. About 20 years ago. We solely invested in tanks, firearms and christmas trees. Arrived high as kites to the award ceremony about one hour late. Needless to say our teacher wasn't too happy with us. Our team's name? Lords of destruction. News article and photo featured in the local newspapers.
Well, I'm totally not Spez!
Fish n chips is an awful dish. There, I said it.
My grandmother is from the northwest of Germany. People over there got a very unique tea culture and their own famous blends. Last time I visited her, I gave her a box of Barrys. After the first teapot was empty, she asked me to bring lots more Barrys when I visit her again.
Pure Barrys tea is the only reasonable choice and thus everything except D4 (mayyybee D3) should be considered a crime.
I totally had nothing to do with that. Promise!
Oh heck yes. Bring back the moth memes!
For only 80 quid and it's also the Star Wars Tatooine experience? Two birds with one stone!