
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I wonder how much something like that would answer the why too. As an example, if a person threw something across a room and broke it without an obvious reason, could you look at a complete record of their history, and the history of the people around them, and figure out the reason. Would you be able to see signs of anger building through the day and look back to the root cause?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I read an Arthur C Clarke book a few years ago, and it was based around a device that could see anything, anywhere, some sort of microscopic portal I think. One of the characters used it to look back in time following someone's DNA, so seeing their mother, then their mother's mother and so on, and eventually saw the intelligence disappear from the distant ancestors eyes. I'm wording it badly, but the idea stuck with me.

I'd love to know when that first spark of intelligence showed up, that separated us from animals, and what our ancestors either side of that divide did differently and similarly. I doubt that there would have been any significant differences at first, but those subtle differences could be fascinating :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Did anyone see what I did on a may 16th 2011 at 7:16pm?

Wait, that was you?! 😱

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Ah, sorry, I didn't think of that side of things. I was thinking more along the lines of it could solve things that everyone agrees is a crime, like murder.

My line of thought was more just would you want the easy answers, or would you prefer to have to work for them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Out of curiosity, what sort of things would you explore? I enjoy researching certain things, so having all the answers would spoil that for me.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

the success of Ed Sheerin

That made me snort laugh :D

I'd really just want to know dumb stuff...

I like your thinking. I was thinking mostly about stuff that is hard to research, the more serious things, I hadn't thought about the 'dumb' stuff too. That sounds like a lot more fun :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Also, I'd use it to figure out when my kids are lying. They all break my shit, but I want to know who to blame for what.

That raises an interesting question - where would the balance be between their privacy and your rights as a parent. You need to know at least some of their private information to teach them as you raise them, but would something like the scenario you raised cross the line into being invasive?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

I haven't seen enough of One Piece to ask bait questions yet, I'm only half way through the Netflix series :)

I was thinking that jobs would be one of the solved problems, as in you only have to work if you want to. I'm more curious about whether people would prefer to do the research because they enjoy it, or if they'd rather just tell the computer to give them their full family tree, for example.


It turns out that something has been watching the Earth in minute detail since before the solar system was formed, down to a sub molecular level. It can give you the answers to any historical questions, but not things like what someone was thinking or feeling.

All the world's problems have been solved, and the information is only used with the strictest privacy, e.g. you can only get information on living people with their permission, or if you're a member of law enforcement solving a crime.

The question is, if you have a hobby, job, or other reason to research the past, like being a geologist or genealogist, would you take the answers, or would you prefer to do the research yourself?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago

I'm Welsh, and my wife is a Welsh speaker, and we both missed that one 🙈🤣

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

I've heard that if it's cooked right, it's really gooooo00000000ooooooood


[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Exactly. Then when you clean your bathroom, you clean up all the shit particles along with whatever else is in there.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Well, it's better than letting the tiny particles of shit float through your home until the smell disperses

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've just finished getting my laptop set up the way I like it, including maximising the RAM and upgrading the screen. I opened it up to use it, and the screws on the hinge tore through the plastic.

To top it off, the plastic on the bottom of the laptop, the side that's been removed here, has also broken.

My wife definitely didn't drop the laptop while she was tidying up though...

EDIT: Apologies all, I'm having trouble with Lemmy today, and it's not letting me reply.

I'll try to reply tomorrow, but in the meantime;

It's a Stonebook branded Clevo n751BU, a 7th gen i5. It's held up respectably well until it appears to have been knocked in the corner where the hinge is. The plastics on both sides of the hinge have given out.

I've ordered a replacement base, but the palm rest which is pictured is not available anywhere that I can find. I'm going to dismantle the hinge to clean and oil it, then reassemble it slightly less tightly, and epoxy the screws into place. The reason for taking it apart in the first place was to add a third hard drive. It has an nvme drive, and I had two HDDs going spare that can hold my documents and music. They're being synced now as I was having problems doing it remotely, but once they're in they can be managed with Syncthing. The laptop shouldn't need to come apart agin afterwards :)

I've been building and repairing computers and laptops for about 30 years, so I'm comfortable with completely stripping it, and can use it as an excuse to give everything a clean again. Short of replacing these HDDs with SSDs, there's nothing else that can physically be upgraded, so I'm half tempted to glue it shut so that I don't get tempted again :D


Went out on a rare clear night to a wetlands near me to take some photos of the stars. As it was so dark, and the stars are so small, I had to rely on the focus peaking function of my camera to tell if the stars were in focus or not.

I've got home and started to process the photos, and I've found out that despite the camera telling me that they were in focus, they clearly weren't.

Hey ho, what's a wasted few hours in the freezing cold between friends...


I found the site and tried to check, but it wouldn't show me anything without being logged in, so I created an account. Now that I'm signed in though, I can only find vague rules, like

The User's account is for personal use only. Only the individual who holds the account is allowed to connect on it. Connections to the User's account are recorded so that we can detect account sharing. The User agrees to keep his login secret, We won't offer technical support for account hacking.

How does this work with a phone or laptop, for example? What if I sign in at my parents house when I visit for a few days?

Can anyone help please?


EDIT: Sorry, I was tired when I posted this, and didn't realise that it made no sense to anyone else. I've got a set of panniers for the bike that attach under the seat, and they hold the smaller things, like my clothes and toiletries.

I remembered after I'd already attached my camping equipment to the top of the seat, meaning that it would have to be removed to fit the other luggage.

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