
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 22 points 9 months ago (4 children)

What would be best? Dealing with a bug for 1 month waiting a monthly update, or dealing with a bug 2 days waiting a daily update?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago (2 children)

There is a difference. Not sure how they ar made, but the chemical composition and possibly the design is different.

Trying to recharge a non rechargeable battery can risky and there is the possibility of leaking or explosion.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago (3 children)

It is, but only if you go on the main website, and not the android sub category https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/cookie-autodelete/

[–] [email protected] 27 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Consent-O-Matic (has to be downloaded from the main website, and not the android sub category)

And what you wish to have other than that depends on your needs.

I myself have an extension to unlock Bing AI on Firefox android.

Google Search Fixer (for when I need a Google service)

TWP - Translate Web Pages

And more.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Video? Is it my app or did you share the wrong link?

[–] [email protected] 27 points 9 months ago (1 children)

It's something else. Here it's US antitrust monopoly.

Google made deals with games and special contracts with other apps in order to kill competition.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

There is a lot to learn for Linux. Search engines are your best friend. Tho sometimes advice is outdated. There are also some discord servers where help exists, tho they also expect someone asking to do their research.

I mostly learned by YouTube, then doing research on Google and other search engines, on forums... Discord servers were my last resort when I had some specific question.

Linux for all : https://discord.gg/eSP6cXjY4B Gaming on Linux : https://discord.gg/AghnYbMjYg The Linux experiment (YouTuber) also has a discord server...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)
  • Mint = the desktop is closer to windows look.
  • Pop os = the desktop is closer to mac look. With extensions and settings with those, it can be even closer.

However keep in mind that Pop OS is developing their own desktop to get away from gnome (the name of the desktop environment(DE) (the bunch of apps and tools making the desktop and settings work)).

That new DE will most likely not be compatible with gnome extensions. And I don't know how it will look.

For functionality, both work pretty well.

  • Pop os has 2 ISO : one which includes the nvidia driver, and another without the Nvidia driver, should be easy to download the right one.

  • Mint I don't remember exactly how it works, but it should be easy enough to download and install the proprietary nvidia driver, either through a driver tool, or through the store.

  • Pop os has a gnome extension which allow you to switch from integrated gpu / hybrid / nvidia "only" directly from the notification menu.

  • to switch in mint, you need to open the nvidia control panel.

Both need a reboot or log out to switch gpu mode.

(keep in mind, the Nvidia gpu consumes a lot more than the cpu integrated one. In hybrid, nvidia gpus canot be put to 0w sleep yet, so it will still consume some power).

Both need a special argument for app launch or steam launch arguments to launch with the nvidia gpu if you set hybrid.

For boot :

  • Pop os bypasses grub (a Linux boot menu), so to choose the os to boot from, you'll have to either use your laptop's boot menu or the bios priority.
  • Mint has a grub boot menu displayed each time. So if you choose mint as priority boot, you can at boot still choose windows (about 5-10 sec to use the arrows to boot into something else than mint).

Disadvantage :

  • Pop OS still needs an additional app to be able to change all settings, including mouse acceleration (say thanks to gnome devs, theming has become harder to do for non gnome standard themes).
  • Mint : they only now made plans to develop their DE to support Wayland (a new window manager explained a bit further), and so you could have a bit less track pad fluidity (no 1to1 gestures ... ). Tho as the DE used is cinnamon, there is less use of track pad gestures.

About Wayland : it's a "new" windows manager (what allows apps to be displayed, and how they interact with each other). It is a hopeful replacement for X11 (released in 198X, before Linux...) full of issues but still working well for what it has to do. Wayland wants to bring enhancements on security, gesture fluidity and many other things. However it is not yet fully developed and you shouldn't really base your decision on it yet.

For the rest. I don't really remember other disadvantages as i don't really use them anymore.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Well fedora isn't really a beginner friendly distro. The community is much smaller, and there is a lot more outdated or bad advice circulating when searching an issue.

When I installed fedora on my laptop some months ago, I wanted to switch the ffmpeg install and get codecs installed. Even fedora's documentation was outdated.

Only by searching and digging in some websites I found a command I had to do to make it world, in order to switch the ffmpeg version away from the open fedora version...

[–] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (5 children)

Hey, for my recommendations keep in mind I did not use Linux as a main os for some time now. It is based on me following Linux channels and news, but also my past experience and installing it on my laptop and my brother's laptop.

Linux distros are different in the packages they choose to include for their environment, use and desktop. Some distros offer different desktop environments (which are different desktop softwares, with different handling of included apps, settings and theming).

Depending on how well you know how to search online and not follow outdated advice, some different distros can be interesting :

Beginner friendly for Linux :

  • Linux Mint (cinnamon desktop)
  • Pop OS (gnome desktop)
  • Ubuntu (gnome desktop) (maybe, but I'd rather choose Pop OS due to snap packages of Ubuntu beeing forced and having lower quality compared to apt and flatpak)

All desktops can be themed. Tho cinnamon I don't know how well it supports modifying the task bar.

Gnome can have extensions to do things, show a bottom task bar, start button, start menu...

For these 3 distros, the system package manager used (installer, app searcher) is apt-get (shortened to apt). It is a well k'ow package manager with plenty of tutorials online. All also include flatpak, which is a special package manager where apps Comme bundled with their own dependencies (software to make the main software work), and so reduce incompatibilities.

Ubuntu as a package manager called snap installed by default, it has the same objective as flatpak, but it is closed source, and already had issues with malware spreading through it.

Obviously all 3 package managers can have issues, as community is there to check the apps, but it may not always be safe. The safest package source is still the system one apt as packages are checked by the people maintaining the main distro repo. But many flastpaks and snaps are safe. (tho they can have some theming issues).

All of these 3 include a GUI store where you can search and install apps.

Another great distro which can work for beginner or advanced

  • Fedora desktop (gnome) (It is also available with the kde desktop). Tho this one has a smaller community, and so there is less useful help online, and there may be more out of date advice you would have to navigate through.

Fedora has a pretty good documentation, but even that one seems to be a bit out of date on some things.

If you have an nvidia driver, this one doesn't have nvidia proprietary drivers installed by default nor help at the beginning on automatically installing them. You have to enable at install (or after in the store settings) the nvidia closed repo and install the nvidia driver from the store.

Kde as a desktop is pretty great, tho it can be overwhelming with all it's settings and options available to the user.

Gnome tho still requires an app to be able to control hidden settings like mouse acceleration and some other settings.

I wouldn't recommend other distros for beginner or someone who just wants to easy setup and work.

Debian is pretty stable even in its "testing" branch (Debian stable = old bur rock solid, not recommended for gaming. Testing = newish, still not breaking. Unstable = unstable) needs to have a manual install or help through someone's script.

Manajaro is a mess. On some devices it will work, on other it will just desintegrate after some months.

Or the communities are so small that packages may easily pass testing and break.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Another article, much better and presents in more detail that Olvid was audited on an older version and chosen because it was French and they applied for it (French) https://www.numerama.com/tech/1575168-pourquoi-les-ministres-vont-devoir-renoncer-a-whatsapp-signal-et-telegram.html

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Well let's give some counter examples in the softwares I mentioned :

  • WhatsApp closed : Owned by Facebook. Well Facebook had multiple data leaks, privacy violations and nothing substantial was done about it. Definitely not trustable (also zero days are getting sold on the black market for WhatsApp (https://techcrunch.com/2023/10/05/zero-days-for-hacking-whatsapp-are-now-worth-millions-of-dollars/ ).

  • Telegram closed : not end to end encrypted. Russian app. Not trustable.

  • Signal open : well this one is e to e encrypted. Open source, maybe could be trusted. Seems to have passed some security audits (https://community.signalusers.org/t/overview-of-third-party-security-audits/13243), tho it's based in the US and uses servers, maybe the US may have super computers capable of decrypting such communications. However is signal has switched their encryption to quantum computer resistance it may be too hard even for a state actor. However they also "debunked"/ignored zero-day reports which were not reported through their own tool, and by asking the US for confirmation. I am not sure if the US can be trusted to give confirmation about the existance or not of vulnerabilities when they are very likely to use them (https://thehackernews.com/2023/10/signal-debunks-zero-day-vulnerability.html?m=1).

  • Olvid open (servers closed) : is French, e to e, and backed up by an encryption PhD. And why not use a local messaging app witch also is very secure and open source.

Notice how closed source is untrusted here. The economic activity of the tool changes how trustable it is. Military équipement has a huge and strict budget, it has to be secure.

Communication apps are user first. So they do what they can get away with, and that is very true for Facebook.


Another article, much better and presents in more detail that Olvid was audited on an older version and chosen because it was French and they applied for it (French) https://www.numerama.com/tech/1575168-pourquoi-les-ministres-vont-devoir-renoncer-a-whatsapp-signal-et-telegram.html

Google translate link original post : https://www-lepoint-fr.translate.goog/high-tech-internet/les-ministres-francais-invites-a-desinstaller-whatsapp-signal-et-telegram-29-11-2023-2545099_47.php?_x_tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=wapp

The translation has some mistakes but good enough to understand the context.

Here is a short summary :

Olvid passed a 35d intrusion test by Anssi (French cybersecurity state organisation) experts or designated experts, with code examination without finding any security breach. Which is not the case of all other 3 messaging apps (either because they didn't do any test, or because they didn't pass).

This makes WhatsApp, signal and telegram unreliable for state security.

And so government members and ministerial offices will have to use Olvid or Tchap (French state in house messaging app).

More detail in the article.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The article is about Kyutai, a French AI lab with an objective to compete with chatgpt and others with full open source (research papers, models, and training data).

They are aiming to also include the capability to use sound, image, etc... (according to this article (French) https://www.clubic.com/actualite-509350-intelligence-artificielle-xavier-niel-free-et-l-ancien-pdg-de-google-lancent-kyutai-un-concurrent-europeen-a-openai.html )

The post article also talks about some French context.


All of these Windows 11 changes are part of key tweaks that Microsoft has to make to its operating system to comply with the European Commission’s Digital Markets Act, which comes into effect in March 2024.

Alongside clearly marking which apps are system components in Windows 11, Microsoft is also responding by adding the ability to uninstall the following apps:

  • Camera
  • Cortana (already removable and thrown in the trash)
  • Web Search from Microsoft Bing, in the EEA
  • Microsoft Edge, in the EEA
  • Photos

Only Windows 11 users in the EEA will be able to fully remove Microsoft Edge and the Bing-powered web search from Windows Search. Microsoft could easily extend this to all Windows 11 users, but it’s limiting this extra functionality to EEA markets to comply with the rules. “Windows uses the region chosen by the customer during device setup to identify if the PC is in the EEA,”

Microsoft will allow EEA machines to remove the Bing results, so Google could provide its own search results here and effectively become the default if a user has uninstalled Bing. “If the user has more than one search provider installed, Windows Search will show the last one used when opened,”

So possibly search engines like ddgo and others may be able to develop an integration to be able to be used in the windows search menu.

But no nice things for outside the EEA.

Now I hope that when uninstalling edge, it won't auto reinstall back like the f piece of s omen software which installs itself because I have an hp display.

Also what would happen if a user, who has no idea what they are doing, uninstalls edge without having another browser available?


Thanks to more than 100 civil society groups joined us in speaking out against this proposal. So did thousands of individuals who signed the petition demanding that the EU “Stop Scanning Me.”

The LIBE comity has changed it's stance towards the on device scanning and message scanning.

The text is not final, but scheduled to confirm the new agreement on the 13th of November.


It's in French. Here is a translation to help you understand :

This environmental impact is with the configuration shown in the picture :

  • 50 mails/week from a pc, each with 1mb attachments
  • 7 hours of 4k streaming (YouTube, Netflix, or whatever).
  • 3 hours of HD video calls.

All through wifi.

In the impact and comparison below, you should be able to understand from the emojis :

The impact equates to

  • 153km in a car, 5 t-shirts, 4.6 meals with beef.

The list under that is the calculated environmental impact : (1y, is with the amount per week, so one year in weeks).

  • 1y email
  • 1y video call
  • 1y streaming
  • 1 smartphone
  • 1 touch pad
  • 1 laptop
  • 1 TV
  • 1 PC

Source : https://impactco2.fr/usagenumerique You can play on the website to find your impact.

The website is from the French government, and created with the help of the ARCEP and ADEME through extensive studies https://www.arcep.fr/la-regulation/grands-dossiers-thematiques-transverses/lempreinte-environnementale-du-numerique.html

So next time when you get a proposition to clean your emails, think about this. The emails are dwarfed by everything else.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I watched a Warframe (game) YouTube video on the Steam integrated browser, without beeing connected to my account and Holly s* it was horrible.

In a 14 minutes video, I got 5 ads. 1 (or more skippable once) at the beginning, 1 during the first half of the video, 2 during the second half, and 1 at the end.

All were skippable after 5 sec.

2 were close together at about 1 min interval during the second half of the video.

But that is not the only issue. 4 of those ads (not the last one at the end), were Israeli hate/war anti-hamas propaganda.

I consider these ads horrible and they should not be allowed in my opinion.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"We would like to inform you of a recent incident affecting the security of certain data hosted by one of our service providers.

What happened?

At the end of September, we were the victim of a social engineering attack targeting one of our employees. This highly sophisticated attack began on the Discord platform with the downloading of malware under cover of a game on the Steam platform, proposed by an acquaintance of our employee, himself a victim of the same attack.

Our security team took immediate action. Despite our actions, the attacker was able to exploit one of the stolen cookies to connect to the management interface of one of our SaaS providers. Thanks to this cookie, now deactivated, the attacker was able to extract, via our SaaS provider's API, certain private information about you.

The information concerned is your first and last name, e-mail address, date of birth, billing address and credit card expiry date. It is important to note that no passwords or sensitive banking data have been compromised.

What actions have we taken?

As soon as this incident was discovered, we took immediate steps to secure our systems and took all necessary precautions to avoid future incidents. We have also reinforced the security protocols we apply with all our SaaS providers. Finally, we will be upgrading our internal systems to render compromised workstations harmless.

What can you do?

In the wake of this incident, please be very vigilant about the emails you receive, as they could be phishing attempts. In general, for all your accounts, we advise you to protect yourself by setting up multi- factor authentication ("MFA").

To set up MFA on your Shadow account, please refer to the following

guide: https://shdw.me/HC-B2C-2FA

We are here for you

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and assure you that we are doing everything possible to ensure the security of your data.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department at https://shdw.me/HC- B2C-Support Form

Thank you for your understanding and trust.

Best regards,

Eric Sèle, CEO, Shadow"


Passkey is some sort of specific unique key to a device allowing to use a pin on a device instead of the password. But which won't work on another device.

Now I don't know if that key can be stolen or not, or if it's really more secure or not, as people have really unsecure pins.


Ecosia adds "contractually forced" Microsoft Clarity tracking (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/clarity/setup-and-installation/about-clarity | privacy faq : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/clarity/faq#privacy), which will record the behaviour of users on the website. Recording clics, size, and more.

They will also add an optional Google setting. Enabling the cookie will allow to get search results from Google, but also to get tracked by Google.

Optional Microsoft advertising tracking is still a thing, tho it may not be necessary if Bing can get a fingerprint and behaviour of the user in real time...

This may be the final flow for Ecosia for me. Unless somehow the Microsoft Clarity can be private... But I don't think so.

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