A manager got fired for sleeping with an underage waitress.
A GM got fired after stealing ~$13k from deposits
A guy got fired for telling the GM to go fuck herself completely unprompted.
Food service is wild
Nah I'm fully convinced only ~15% of humanity has any actual intelligence and the other ~85% are mindless animals acting on pure instinct that are only alive because that ~15% is desperately trying to keep them alive due to empathy.
Yeah I watched Donald Trump get elected president and saw the aftermath and just kinda realized that the majority of humans on this planet are completely and utterly stupid.
I cut them in half and jam them into my mouth and use my teeth to scrape along the inside of the skin.
The location of our solar system. Everything would be in relation to where our solar system is in relation to where you are.
I vaguely support eugenics when it comes to prevalent genetic diseases.
If you have an incurable genetic disorder and choose to have children I judge you with the utmost disgust at your reckless selfishness.
Condemning another person to suffer as you have for the sake of "fulfillment"
I wouldn't say inner conflict but moreso conditioned thinking.
If someone has been conditioned to have certain beliefs and values then they see evidence that those values are wrong they'll ignore it completely.
Like a person on welfare complaining about "welfare queens". They are receiving govt assistance while complaining about people who receive govt assistance.
Yes. That's what comic books are.
Tbh I came up with this on the fly while driving past a Carson road so it's not like it has a lot of thought behind it.
Ellen Ripley from the Alien series.