Most manuals say this, it's not exclusive to the cyber truck.
So looking into this more, a lot of mammals do this. Quite a few mammals can see in the uv spectrum too, even humans. It's our lens that filters it out, with it removed we can see down to 300 nm. Interesting rabbit hole that I wish I had more time to go down.
If you're being physically active you might not notice the vibrations, it also makes it easier to find when you're aloof and set it somewhere random. If you're dressed in multiple layers you wouldn't notice it, also might not have pockets.
There's purple Belle peppers too!
Probably buy fancy ketchups.
Did they call you, or did you just stumble upon them?
What you'd want is a compass and easily identifiable landmarks. You can make identifiable marks as you blaze a trail, breaking branches or marking trees, hopefully avoiding marring the bark. Generally you'll be following a game trail anyway, it's likely the easiest path to take.
Are you suggesting people bring miles of brightly colored line?
Something big happened.
Can of refried beans, cheese, tortilla, whatever sauce, microwave, top with whatever veggies.