Pure western propaganda. We don't even have Democracy - just oligarchy/fascism..
A 'State' is not inherently bad. That's just libertarian propaganda/dogma. Self-interested psychopaths in charge of a state is bad..
Every single Capitalist model or corporation will do this deliberately with all their AI integration. ALL corporations will censor their AI integration to not attack the corporation or any of their strategic 'interests'. The Capitalist elite in the west are already misusing wokeness (i'm woke) to cause global geo-political splits and all western big tech are following the lead (just look at Gemini), so they are all biased towards the fake liberal narrative of super-wokeness, 'democracy'/freedumb, Ukraine good, Taiwan not part of China, Capitalism good and all the other liberal propaganda and bs. Its like a liberal cancer that infects all AI tools. Nasty.
Agree or disagree with that, but none of us probably want elite psychopaths to decide what we should think/feel about the world, and its time to ditch ALL corporate AI services and promote private, secure and open/free AI - not censored or filled with liberal dogmas and artificial ethics/morals from data to finetuning.
Well, the US free market religion ensures that everything in the US are based on 100% profit and corruption. All big tech both bow to, and participate in the US 'deep state'. I have zero direct clue about the claims here, but we know that liberal big tech goes for profit whenever they can (rare cases force).
As an example: The RAND corporation is a think thank that are deeply linked to deep state and the military industrial complex + US attacks around the world They work on time scales of decades and try to grow US Capitalist hegemony by all means possible. RAND have been the main architects of most of US foreign policy (incl. Ukraine/Russia and Taiwan/China and all 'color revolutions') for many many years. RAND had a board member in openai (forgot her name) while all the scheming/firing went on.
Now, nobody knows anything for sure, but Rand doesn't sit there for their joy, or for instant profit, they sit there to observe/control the development of openai's products, and make sure it is used primarily for US hegemonic goals. Deep state (who/whatever they turn out to be) have huge control of all US corporations and also sit on all the big media and therefore the narrative. It would imho be naive to believe that the psychopathic US elite haven't at least tried the claims in this meme. How successful is another matter tho.
On the big scale there's only one main concern for the current system: Can people adapt to new knowledge/functions as fast as changes occur. If they cannot, the labor market collapse. It took a while to adapt to cars but people succeeded, and someone might suggest that we can do the same now. I doubt that.
We are already in a very accelerated world compared to then, and whats worse is that the AI boom has just started and will accelerate faster and faster. ALL levels of the entire AI tech stack is accelerating. Hardware, algorithms, models, cognitive networks (agents), and a shitload of new papers every single day. All big tech are using current AI on all levels to accelerate development of the next AI, which will dev the successor etc.
Besides that, a lot of other global events will push the system towards a transition to something different.
Slowness in adopting AI in bizz are perhaps the only delay workers can hope for, so imho you can only prolong your current job and try to adapt as far as you can, not keep it. Timeline is difficult tho.
Hm, I would think users could get good value out grouping search subject and selecting the best engines for their need, and receive a good spread of results from a single search.
..also, our upcoming swarm of personal AI's might benefit from such a selfhosted search service.
Not sure what the difference is to an Android 'tv stick', but tv sticks cost around 20$ (converted in head from danish kr) on aliexpress. Example: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006381266184.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.39.ce819Szc9Szcrc&algo_pvid=78295de8-770e-47db-af24-96fd92ab26e2&algo_exp_id=78295de8-770e-47db-af24-96fd92ab26e2-19&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21DKK%21359.58%21125.85%21%21%2152.80%2118.48%21%402103252e17052172444052693eb007%2112000036967194627%21sea%21DK%21123519862%21&curPageLogUid=dTrPgOd3FrQu&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A
I wonder how many peeps blocked you before they reached line 3.. :-)
If low on hw then look into petals or the kobold horde frameworks. Both share models in a p2p fashion afaik.
Petals at least, lets you create private networks, so you could host some of a model on your 24/7 server, some on your laptop CPU and the rest on your laptop GPU - as an example.
Haven't tried tho, so good luck ;)
Not exactly what you want, but below each video in freetube, there's an 'up next' playlist that afaik are still recommended. You can use it to find similar content.
I've just started using freetube. I've noticed short periods of very low quality stream once in a while. Not sure if the periods match Ad time, tho. Do you experience those low Q periods?
That's just disgusting, but still so normal in the market religion. Google act as judge and executioner above all local laws. Never ever buy a phone that can't be rooted and reconfigured. ..oh, and never again deal with anything Google.. ..oh, or any other big US tech for that matter. ..fuckit, never deal with ANY Capitalist cheater/scumbag unless you have to.