This is the first time I heard that
Someone should re-evaluate their drinking habits.
I'd exchange Reddit and X. The rate at which X is going downhill right now just cannot be beaten by anything.
Have your fingers melted together?
Title is wrong. Unsolvable means no general closed form solution. That doesn't mean that single constellations cannot be proven stable.
There is for example a trivial solution to the n-body problem. Arrange all bodies equidistant on a circle and have them move at the speed that keeps them on the circle.
Hyperloop tubes are now used as spaghetti storages?
(I didn't watch the video, just looked at the thumbnail)
Working in science, so I guess nothing bad would happen. However, humanity will stop progressing for a while, until people are replaced.
It would be nice to get some primer on the article, since I don't have time to read this all. But this is great news! I hope that whatever method they are using scales, and also generalises to all AIDS patients, with whatever variants they are having.
Let me point out a more positive view of this program: fairphone may want to bind customers to them. They now sell more than just phones, including headphones and earbuds. Customers can choose freely which brand they want for each of these. But if there is an advantage in buying them all from fairphone and not from some less sustainable brand, that creates a positive impact on society.
But your points stand. I believe that as a startup, it is simple to keep up noble goals. As an established company, that gets harder over time. So far, I have my trust in this brand to provide fairer electronics than the rest. And not every company must necessarily lose their ideals during growth. But they are a company after all, and are subject to the same forces as all other companies.
I hope to have the funds to buy a fairphone next. But they are very expensive, so let's see...
How are we supposed to afford paying pensions that long if people retire before 70?