When you get to the size of a monopoly like that, you operate on such a massive scale that your very existence as a company, and the actions required to grow and sustain it, is orders of magnitude more politcal than say, the small-scale relationship between a restaurant owner and their employees, which is also inherently politcal.
Follow your leader
So many tantalizingly omitted details!
Capitalism is when selling things
He just like me fr fr
Simple as
Come in on saturday? Come in on saturday? I think the fuck not, my clipboard-carrying friend. People didn't die at Blair Mountain, Virginian coal miners and their families didn't walk through chlorine gas and machine gun fire, so that your ironed shirt ass could ask me to come in on a saturday. In fact, you know what, pass me that Springfield rifle, I need to talk to the boss.
Hi i'm cis, shut the fuck up and get in the pit loser
Logic is prison slave labor=$$$
I see no leftist here