Thank you! I'm not gonna try and fix the box itself, but somebody suggested it might be the power supply.
I... don't know why I didn't think of that. I'll have to check if I have another.
Yes, it's laptop RAM
I got this one for free because a company couldn't be bothered to reinstall windows
... which is maybe why things that are essentially critical to a developed country's lifestyle probably shouldn't simply be companies. If we go off of "it's not profitable", public transport wouldn't be any good, postal services would suck, etc.
The internet should be a public service like mail.
Also, in the US they paid the ISPs to hook everyone up to fiber, and then they just... didn't.
Uh no people definitely did. Mostly the people that actually knew how this shit worked. But even laypeople complained when it was just Dall-E and Midjourney.
I made myself a python script to automatically tag and download entire albums from youtube at a time. I use syncthing to automatically sync it all. Quality isn't the best but I can't tell anyway so
Idk how tape works exactly but re: high quality video. Can't tapes be analog too? Which would mean high quality video could potentially be really high-quality?
Oh no, I agree with you! I don't understand Farenheit at all. I like Celsius because it makes more sense in terms of definition, and having "negatives can have snow, positives can't" is convenient.
We don't even need that for weather. There's not that much of a difference between 21 and 22 C, and anyway with wind and shade you can quickly have a difference of a few degrees.
If you think something being legal automatically makes it not-wrong, I don't trust you on... well, much of anything, but especially privacy
Well, I fully disassembled it, and I've found some components that are heating up a lot and probably making the buzzing noise.
However I have no idea what they are, if they're the problem or some connected component. The label doesn't return anything, so I think this 'uns a goner :(