I don't think so. Because everything can be explained with a scientific explanation it's exactly why life is so interesting!
Doesn't Google allow those terrible apps like Life365 that are literally candied spyware?
Go to the releases page of any Github repository. Source code is served in a .tar.gz archive.
Look for Linux software, a lot of its sourcecode and packages are compressed into a .tar.gz archive.
For the most used services, legacy support is actually respected by Google.
Google Search still works on Internet Explorer 6 for Windows 98 and XP.
It WILL break legacy and underpowered devices, so its likely they won't at least not too soon. Those apps rely on the files hosted on the googlevideo servers, and most that are used are meant for legacy browsers.
And then they complain about not enough users switching.
A good experience for the noob is essential.
Uhm... DuckDuckGo has worked and still works just fine in Tor for me?
Not having to wait 55 minutes if you ever miss a train, or hoping a theoretical 15 minutes for a bus with a very high chance of skipping runs or breaking down. And a system to actually be where you want to be, instead of then having to walk multiple kilometers after reaching the central station.
Why would some points be written here. This looks like a wannabe-knight