I've never seen the safety break feature on my phone - looked into "settings" -> "app info" for "android auto" just now.
The thing that stood out to me: I've disabled the ability to overlay onto other apps.
Maybe this works for you too...
This is like a feature that seems well intentioned but dangerous anyway, like the Apple look at screen to unlock feature. Hope you succeed in disabling this feature.
As someone who switched to Linux, and found reasons not to for literal decades, this has helped me:
Have a second ssd in your PC that is untarnished by the windows bootloader.
This way one can easily switch via BIOS / UEFI and no other annoying software.
Dual booting is also less annoying, if you switch via boot menu. It lets you test drive and configure Linux anytime you're in the headspace for it and reduces pressure on yourself.
Install linux on it. My current favorite for your situation would be Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop Spin (what a mouthful). Have another exfat partitioned usb disk ready for file exchange with windows. Again, this makes handling windows easier, has nothing to do with linux.
Nvidia on fedora works good enough. third party repos also help a lot.
streamdeck is wonderful hardware, I know a friend who uses it daily with streamdeck_ui
This is to my knowledge as close to "official" as you can get. Good luck on your journey!