I only ever send in epub format. In the article it clarifies that Amazon recommends the sending of epub.
joined 1 year ago
They're just removing an antiquated file type that you should have moved on from anyway. All my books are in epub format and even if they weren't calibre converts them so I don't think this is a significant change at all.
All these lawsuits do is show me new cool stuff that Internet Archive has.
Invasion isn't a bad show but ignoring the fact that See, Silo, Severance, Slow Horses, Foundation, For All Mankind, and most other shows on Apple TV exist is just dumb. Ted Lasso was mid after season 1 imo but Apple TV has an unmatched quality level with most of their library. I dislike Apple but they've been making banger after banger compared to every other streaming service and I hope Monarch is just as good as everything else.