One of these is programming oriented but they let you choose the model so I guess it is fine:
OpenAI API alternative:
One of these is programming oriented but they let you choose the model so I guess it is fine:
OpenAI API alternative:
That's northkorean I think.
If the WWW was created by Google (it was not) I'm sure they would kill it like any of their other products.
Past memory unlocked.
Maybe this will sound unrelated but have you seen a PC infected with tons of malware?
The web browsers tend to be the most affected apps by malware and if the user doesn't want to reinstall, forcing the web browser to change the default search engine helps a lot, because it is literally impossible to do that manually when the PC is full of shit.
Other than that, yeah, Microsoft doing anti-consumer things, as always.
What is good now? (And free)
You need to input "" on the search bar. /s
People is actively opting to use a shitty OS like Windows. The easiest solution is using another OS.
I hate saying this but at this point MacOS is even better in that regard, but my preferred choice is GNU/Linux.
Obviously, in your personal computer you have the freedom to choose an OS that fits your needs, in a enterprise/work enviroment this is harder because the company using Windows is the one who should consider changing the OS to avoid this shit, if possible.
Money was the key to open their minds about OpenAI.
Now they partner with OpenAI after banning AI answers provided by users? Wow, such hypocrisy too.
Can they do that?