But colored folders!
I'd love that, too. Immich has more fine grained user control on their timeline, though.
Centralized storage of pirated content is a problem. You want p2p to continue, otherwise it's suddenly very easy to deprive all of those streaming sites of content.
There's a middle ground. Not talking won't convince anyone, either.
But realizing that certain people are bad people because they express their values through certain votes is important.
E. g. you can not attend the roast and cite their political views as the reason, especially with the recent (and constant) hate on immigrants. That doesn't mean they're cut off.
I assume you're not in the crosshair of Trump policy once he gets elected? Because for some people threats to their life and voting Trump are about the same thing.
You continue to tolerate your family tolerating and even choosing hate and bigotry, even if they themselves don't exhibit them to your face. Your uncle IS a bad person.
I'm so sad that the meme deteriorated. The original Hooty McOwlface was more complex, but the hivemind made it stupid. Boaty McBoatface should have been e. g. Horny McBoatface.
It's not a circle, it's a spiral!
But LCD sound cool, too. Twisting crystals so they become opaque or transparent.
That's how you recognize bullshit. If there was a kernel of truth worth protecting the offending posts would be removed.
I got a solar panel and battery in case of power loss. Won't do much for heating, but as long as 4G stays up, it'll allow me to communicate. Or I could probably get around 30min of PC time out of it if necessary.
red/blue stripes
they didn't
small pool ball
generic Simpsonesque brown, but it stopped existing towards the corners.
Decades of speed increases in hardware, yet software is slower than ever because we're wasting it on JavaScript.