JSDoc enjoyers:
those two interop better than in native code
Really? Why is that?
Oh my, that's an abomination, I'm literally squinting my eyes to read it. That ENDIF
tho, that's where I draw the line °~°
No, pleeease grandpa, I don't wanna sweep the cobwebs off the server rack
Oh that, yeah that was pretty bad tbh
Can you bleach my eyes with some really bad ABAP code? I've never seen ABAP and I want to feel scared
I guess the phone number leak, I wouldn't really call it a fiasco though
Next time it'll be the terrorists and the scaremongering cycle continues...
Google: whatever you do, don't ~~google~~ search Quad9 or NextDNS
At least it allows people who depend on Photoshop (and don't want to spend time learning GIMP) to try transitioning to platforms unsupported by Adobe (which are the best platforms, mind you ;) )
That's really bad, well, wasn't intending to try it out anyway XD
Oh I had no idea, thanks for explaining!