Do not feed the trolls. Do not engage.
Burl Ives - The Whale
If you are in the US, cram every penny you can in an IRA or 401k if your employer offers it. You're gonna want to retire some day.
I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit. -- Mel Brooks
Um ... Isn't Toronto in Ontario?
Where are the Boomtown Rats in this diagram?
Probably not. Energy storage is probably the better idea. Check out this link and scroll down to this sections on types of grid energy storage.
Alive and uneaten
The Murderbot Diaries
NPR mostly
Exit interviews can be a goldmine. Some people who don't want to burn bridges might hold back and tell you what they think you want to hear but others will tell you exactly what they think.
Of course, there was over 100 years between Columbus' voyage and the voyage of the pilgrims on the Mayflower.