I always thought that was what everyone said, as that's actually how it's spelled. I wasn't even aware it was called different by some or even most people, although I suppose I shouldn't be surprised as I can imagine many people not knowing the greek alphabet.
The 11th gen civic is dope af though. Source: I own one
The Age of Napoleon. I'm a Patreon supporter because it's simply an awesome and informative podcast about a hugely interesting and transformative era and person.
Well, if your AV tells you there is a backdoor in it, don't open it, I would say. There can be valid reasons for cracks to be flagged, but you can usually check what it does by uploading it to a sandbox or checking the hash on virustotal.
What's your source on the spacex team distracting him? I can't find anything supporting that. I do find some interviews from anonymous employees saying it's calmer now that he's so focused on twitter.
Exactly. I keep forgetting yt even has ads until I visit friends.
Gladiator deserves the Nick Cave script sequel.
The trick is a shoebox next to the screen. Cats like keyboards but can't resist a box.
I'm already investigating alternatives for my company to move away from vmware for when it inevitably turns to shit. We have not forgotten the shit Broadcom pulled with Veritas and finally managed to move away from that fully last year. Azure Arc seems promising and I have heard that a lot of companies are already switching from an old colleague.
There is the G1000 initiative in Belgium and the Netherlands. The idea is to have the legislative body be random people. There are even towns that already have implemented it. The concept is simple enough: representative democracy is inherently flawed, so just have legislators drawn by a lottery. With a high enough amount of people, you will get a near perfect representation of the population proportionally represented. For national bodies, the proposal is to have 1000 legislators, hence the number.
Personally I quite like the idea, especially if it were to be paired with a technocratic executive branch.