And I disagree with that. Which is what you asked about.
No. I don’t care. A junkie is a junkie. Having a neurological condition doesn’t give you an excuse to get whacked out on meth 7 days a week. CANCER is a disease. Addiction is NOT.
I say this as someone with ADHD and ASD, and as a person who lost a friend to addiction this year.
JUNKIES don’t have diseases. PERIOD.
Junkeyism ALSO isn’t a disease. It’s a bad decision. Tens of thousands of children die of cancer every year. Cancer- a REAL disease. A disease they never asked for.
Their cause of death shouldn’t be categorized alongside dipshits that chose to shoot drugs into their veins.
I’m not arguing this with you. So fuck off.
Anything that isn’t self-imposed.
I call it junkies.
None. I have self-respect. For example. My own MAGA worshipping Trump-humping father demanded that I apologize for telling him that America sucks (in regards to healthcare). I was told to either apologize or to never talk again.
I said we’d never talk again. And we haven’t.
Right? Hopefully it won’t have to happen, but if America is willing to elect a twice impeached rapist that’s got almost 40 criminal indictments- then I have no intention remain a part of it.
No joke- moving to Canada. Arrwngements are already made. We live 2-3 hours away as it is, so it wouldn’t be a huge change for us.
It’s 95% cringe.
You can’t have two subs with the same name on Reddit.
I said I’m not debating this. And I’m not.