What if their definition of a "valid charity" doesn't agree with yours?
So if Unity said Michael Jordan is not a valid basket ball player, would you be up in arms about it?
If only the Dems had a Super Majority in both houses, plus the President, Plus the Parlimentarian, then they would certainly stop being Capitalist and supporting their class-allies.
They are using the "good intentions" as cover for their ever expanding surveillance state. It is absolutely not the intention of this bill to provide "safety" for the citizens. It's to make sure that the citizens don't get too uppity and threaten their masters.
As long as you realize that the "cloud" is someone else's computer, it is a very viable way of hosting your service. However as your service grows all those micro services that your cloud provider charges you for will grow as well. Eventually you'll get to the point where "data transfer" costs begins to make up >50% of your total cloud spend. At that point (or ideally before) you should have a plan to stop expanding your cloud footprint, because that cost grows geometrically with the size of your cloud data and the number of cloud functions you are using on your data.
Remember Data has Weight. If you don't understand what that means, you aren't ready to make a cost comparison between cloud-hosting and data center hosting.
Depends what Childrens Hospital it is. Shriners? Sure, that's a charity. Mayo Clinic - Children's Wing? Definitely not a charity.
Oh no the internet runs on computers that use "Closed Source Software" to manage the packets that flow through them! This means that if I have a website that is open source, I'm actually a hypocrite? Actually I'm not sure what the point of this comic is.
IBM didn't sabotage Hitler though, neither did Ford. But that isn't at all what anyone is saying anyway.
Why? Is there some law they are breaking by having their own opinion of what a valid charity is?