They have derivatives of certain chips for the Chinese market only. They must have clauses to pre-empt such actions.
And exports from non US, or Taiwan Semi Conductors to the OEMs. Surely they have no jurisdiction, and contracts and purchase orders are probably in place until next gen 50x cards. It's just a knee jerked reaction of being outdone. There will be no impact outside the gamer sat in second fiddle to the NSA getting first dibs. US market only.
Can someone summarise the story. God damn that was a long read and lost interest. What I gathered, Jimmy claimed a robbery of his bitcoins, who then transpired to be the robber?
That's not free, and close to the cost of Netflix.
Now make them both bigger to allow for double stacking.
Broad catelog, but lacking in seeds for older episodes. Try watching Simpsons S04, E08 as an example. I can guarantee there will be no active seeds. It's good for recently released content however, but will never be as good as legit services.
The whole notion defeats the point. The extra passengers / profit will be negated by the larger fuselage and drag.
Depends what you like watching There are many streams for sports that are easily accessible/well known.
My computer will become Google with this speed.