Ya, because it's full of children. The games you are talking about are games like Minecraft, where their parents won't buy them a computer or console, but they will run it at 20fps on their random tablet.
Bro what? My screen is spotless. I even take it biking and kayaking where it gets dirty on the screen.
You must be really bad with your phone.
Can't even use Wi-Fi controls on macrodroid because it requires a companion app that they haven't updated to work on 64bit Android versions 💀
Firefox always runs in the background on my PC also. I'm sure there's a way to disable it, but by default it's always there.
I've never had that happen. Either the US version of Windows is fucked, or people are bullshitting hard.
Except an iPhone doesn't allow me to do any of the stuff Android does..
And people like you wonder why you have no friends lmao.
"If my friends message me too much, silence them for an hour".
I bought a GamSir X2 Pro and decided to try emulators on my Pixel 7 Pro. Everyone says it's shit because it's not Snapdragon, yet I've successfully emulated up to the Wii without any issues?
I never tried the switch emulator.
Exactly. No one I know cancelled. They just had to buy separate accounts while complaining.
Sorry you're too poor to afford Nvidia 🥱
How am I a troll? I literally provided you with software I require that Linux can't run 💀
Well a lot of people don't like raisins, so that's why it's triggering an uproar?
It's weird that you are forgetting that not everyone likes every food.
It's awesome that you like raisins. Don't need to dismiss those who don't.