Lol, 2.5 inches is over 2 feet?
I learned about it from my father.... :'(
A bean batter.
Throw in at least a hot pepper or two. I bet you can swing a carolina reaper in the middle of the block.
Well, the easy choice is the right choice. Squat down, and wrap your lips around the pole as it penetrates the hole. You're going to be the grapefruit, honey.
Shoot, one of Alaska's biggest northern settlements, if not the biggest, is an oil work camp. Look up Deadhorse / Prudhoe Bay. The road up there is totally worth taking if you're into birdwatching or really rugged roughing it.
Well, yeah, but in the reverse...
"Boss hitting for 90% and sometimes one-shotting me in every fight.
Me and mah boy paladins repeatedly hitting one guy and healing so that he stacks up buffs and one-shots the boss.
Blizzard: Horrified stoner man"
Lol, physiologists say hi, and they need that natural log function you've been hiding back.
It takes a while to get through the blagh that the midseason brings, each and every season.
You're right. It's not just legal reasons. There are some neat studies showing that if two people under the age of 5 are raised in the same household together, feelings of sexual attraction generally don't develop later when you're sexually maturing. So the porn somewhat follows reality in the scenario of step-siblings being more likely to develop sexual attraction.