*4 hour Tiftfy
joined 1 year ago
Don't normalize the grind. Rather normalize the unwind.
If we're really made in their image, they'd love the pious. How many powerful people love brown nosers and yes-men? Answer: all of them
magical energy, technological wonder,
Could my reheating choice perhaps be a blunder?
My mind races, my feelings are mixed;
Lasagna like magma with ice patches betwixt.
The starfish equivalent of putting a head on a stake
Uhhhhh Can you give me the tldr? I don't wanna click that link and ~~disappoint the NSA agent who watches my traffic~~ start getting wierd adverts
Pepper Coyote has entered the chat
Idk who hands is, but I feel sorry for them.
There is no slash through it. This sign is "bowling ahead"
Are you playing your love games with me?
I like the sentiment of this post in general, But I have no opinion on the specific example