Washington DC. Aside from the obvious, just trying to drive into DC makes you think that perhaps you could get off on a technicality or plead insanity.
Pictured: The moment everything went off the fucking rails. (2016, colorized)
The rash is real. I look like I’ve been in an industrial accident or something.
So I tried this and it was an experience of mixed emotions. Relief that my nose was no longer running mixed with an uneasy shiver of disgust as I felt everything draining down the back of my throat. Effective yet disturbing!
I’ve been thinking about that, actually. Just pop into the urgent care like, “Hey doc I just want to make sure my brains aren’t actually leaking from my nose, and if they are can we maybe not”.
I may have to go get one. The area around my nose looks like it’s been set on fire at this point and I have some reservations about leaving the house sporting my nose tampon.
Definitely been taking the good Sudafed.
Oh look at this guy with his fancy fridge that just gives away water!
They’re the only culture some people have.
At what amount of As does it indicate the battery is just screaming?
Food cannot touch on the plate. Each item must have a clearly defined DMZ between it and its neighbors.
I definitely need to get a new car. I’ve kept mine running as well as I could and it’s almost old enough to vote but it’s reaching the end of its life. I’d do without one if I could but it’s a necessity and I try to drive as little as possible. I always go Subaru so that’s an import and I’m sure if I wait it’ll be wholly unaffordable. I need to replace some of my electronics repair kit so I can fix what I have when possible.