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[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Do it at night when people are going to bed. Send out a message to get people to check their pagers, then detonate them. There's still a chance of collateral, but it'd be significantly lower than detonating them when people will be out in public at the cost of what I imagine would be a slightly lower chance of hitting targets.

[–] [email protected] 78 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (15 children)

Hezbollah uses pagers for communication. Israel intercepted shipments of pagers and rigged them with bombs. Then, an unspecified amount of time later, Israel detonated them during the day, yanno, when people would be out and about in public places. Thousands of bombs went off across Lebanon and killed and injured children, elderly people, and adults.

Of course, mainstream media is trying to pretend that Israel didn't potentially commit what should be considered a warcrime while assholes on social media are spinning this as a masterfully precise and accurate strike that didn't have a considerable amount of collateral (I've literally seen someone say "only people with something to hide would be around a pager in this day and age" verbatim), and that anyone injured or killed was a member of Hezbollah.

Like, what if one of those had been on a plane when it went off?

When ISIS plants bombs on people and detonates them in public places then it's a bad thing. Israel does it and everyone stands, claps and tips everyone with $100% bills.

Edit: I honestly wonder if it's only a matter of time before some IDF or Mossad shithead hijacks a plane and flies it into the Burj Khalifa.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Fyi, from what I've read anarchists reject the cookbook and interpret it as being pro-government while also having inaccurate and dangerous recipes. There are better resources for the latter (including official military handbooks), while the former encourages people to roll over and take whatever abuse they're handed.

When it comes to punching Nazis, would I actually do it IRL? I'm not sure. It'd probably depend on whether I'm in a "fuck it, we ball" kinda mood or not. If I am, then I'm absolutely going to try and wreck the Nazi to the best of my ability. They might not get back up. If not, then I'd probably just roll my eyes, lose a little more faith in humanity, and keep going.

What you need to realize is that the Nazi would absolutely do the same to you, possibly worse, if given the chance; and people are too busy to research every single person they come across and are too desensitized to respond to "he's literally a Nazi" (America's right wing did a great job of painting "Nazi" as being meaningless in a modern context). That makes it very easy for them to lie to the general population about their goals.

Look at how far Trump and Vance have gotten. They literally support Nazis and Klansmen (Ku Klux Klan), yet people seemed to actually believe that Biden was as bad as Trump. It wasn't until Trump started talking about Hatians eating pets at a national debate that people stopped and were like, "damn, what the fuck?"

What if he hadn't though? What if he'd managed to keep his cool and pretend to be normal? The thing that scares me is that I think he might still have a chance, simply because I think the recent debate may have inspired false confidence in Democrats.

Nazis, Klansmen, bigoted institutions in general, will take a mile if you give them an inch, and proceed to wrap it around your neck and hang you from a tree with it; and they're very good at getting what they want because they'll literally eat shit if they believe it'll help them win. They believe utopia is achieved through oppression and mass murder; wouldn't you do anything you can to achieve utopia if you think it's in arms reach, especially when the path is obvious thanks to the efforts of prior fascists?

That's why you punch Nazis. That's why people say that the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. A Nazi's idea of utopia is forged with blood and torment; and they're willing to do anything to make it a reality.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 days ago

Jesus, that's insane. Tbh, that's the kinda house I'd want: unassuming on the outside, extravagant and surreal on the inside.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago

Tbh that's actually pretty good for what is probably a VHS rip. They might not even be all that compressed compared to the original.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I've been thinking more, and I think the Internet would be better off if it was segregated into two, mutually incompatible lanes. Lane 01: slow lane for webpages, online games, general web usage. Lane 02: high speed but exclusively for filesharing. Lane 01 content can provide links to Lane 02 content for filesharing purposes, but Lane 02 is set up so it can't actually be embedded.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Ant Group, the fintech affiliate of Alibaba Group Holding, made its foray into Jarvis-like territory when it launched on Thursday the Zhixiaobao app – a so-called life assistant that can help users order meals, hail taxis, book tickets, and discover local dining and entertainment options, while accessing third-party services in the firm’s Alipay payment platform more easily. Alibaba owns the South China Morning Post.

Waow, that's amazing! So cool, so exciting! We've never seen anyone try anything like this ever before!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Idk, more options? It's a self-balancing thing-a-ma-bob that takes you places when you stand on it. It's cool and more options are nice. Also, I find it kinda amusing that you think a Segway-compatible city wouldn't also be bike-compatible. They max out at like, 12mph. You're not building a sprawling city around Segways like you would with cars.

[–] [email protected] 61 points 1 week ago (11 children)

Spicy take: high speed Internet (specifically high-speed) and cell phones.

What the fuck am I smoking?

Listen. Look around you. People expect for you to be connected 24/7. Your boss, your friends, family, they all expect you to be connected nowadays. Hell, Australia had to pass a law stopping employers from contacting you outside of work hours.

Then everyone has an opinion and they all want to share it (me too!), and if you don't have an opinion, you're a fucking weirdo, a dirty centrist, ignorant, or many other things (you're probably a Nazi or something, shithead).

Social media is designed to make you feel like shit and you're antisocial if you're not on some social media site.

Everyone is depressed and tormented by the constant flow of negative information on their pocket squares that they feel obligated to subject themselves to, all because someone they care about will get mad or be disappointed if they don't know or have an opinion about everything that happens every second of every minute of every hour of every day. I have a pocket square (which I'm using right now) because I feel like I have to have one nowadays. A significant amount of this is enabled by widespread high-speed Internet. Some of it would still exist, but a lot of it would become unfeasible due to the Internet being too slow. Doesn't matter if you have some crazy 32core phone with 64gb of ram and 2tb of ssd storage if you're limited to T-1 speeds or slower.

Sigh I'm doing the "old enby yells at clouds" thing aren't I?

Yes, the Internet is great and has done a lot of good things, and quite honestly, at the end of the day I honestly think it's done more good than bad. But I also think it's massively overrated at this point.

Cell phones kinda fit into the same category of, "everyone expects you to always be reachable"; and with the same conclusion (still good but overrated). I don't know how I feel about non-cellular tablets.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 week ago (18 children)

I was legitimately sad it didn't take off. It was a really cool piece of tech but it got mocked for being nerdy or geeky.

I wonder how much of that was encouraged by oil and car companies.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

Probably nothing beyond normal VR stuff. It's still pretty new and it sounds like Apple is still trying to figure out the chicken or the egg problem when it comes to developing an entirely new platform and have decided to try putting the egg first to see if anyone will incubate it for them. Who knows if they'll commit long enough for it to pay off. Tbh I can see VR enthusiasts still getting something out of it since it sounds like people have figured out how to get it working with steamvr. Other than that though, I don't really see any uses for it. I think they're going to have to spend a lot of time looking for problems that are worth paying $1,000~$2,000 to solve (I'm assuming that's what a "consumer" version would cost), and then refine their solution until it feels natural before widespread adoption will be a thing.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago (4 children)

It seems like the big weakness of torrents is that if the front-end goes down, then no one can get new torrents anymore, making the front-end an obvious target due to its centralized nature. However, has anyone considered making an activitypub-powered torrent tracker/download site? Kinda like a hybrid between soulseek and BitTorrent. The sites in the network all get torrent information from each other so you have a billion front-ends. Good luck stopping that if they all sync their databases together.


This is a """school""" that makes "pray away the gay" camps look like lovely vacation experiences. They primarily cater to families with neurodivergent kids under the guise of helping them learn how to function in a neurotypical society. They use methods like GEDs to administer electric shocks when students "act up", long-term restraints (which the students have to carry with them in case they have to be "conditioned"), solitary confinement, sensory deprivation and food deprivation. I'd highly recommend reading the entire article, especially the parts about behavioral modification, controversies, litigation, and work culture. It's so much worse than you can imagine. I wanted to quote parts of the article to highlight how bad it is, but I would be copying and pasting half the article.

This place is still in operation.

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