
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah, I know and that's what I'm afraid of. I guess I'll just have to come to terms with most websites not working in some obscure web browser that's not feature-complete. Would actually help with my addiction, so it won't be so bad, I guess.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago

You are right, it was unfairly harsh wording, I apologize for that. Most of those products are super cool and important, I've kind of extrapolated it from what I've read in other posts about them spending too much on stuff like events and other, non-developemnt, related stuff that I actually never checked, while also not realizing that they also have a ton of other projects, which mixed with the dissapointment with the recent development about the Meta partnership led to me choosing that wording unfairly.

[–] [email protected] 153 points 1 month ago (13 children)

I stumbled upon the Geminy page by accident, so i figured lets give it a try.

I asked him in czech if he can also generate pictures. He said sure, and gave me examples about what to ask him.

So I asked him, again in czech, to generate a cat drinking a beer at a party.

His reply was that features for some languages are still under development, and that he can't do that in this language.

So I asked him in english.

I can't create images for you yet, but I can still find images from the web.

Ok, so I asked if he can find me the picture on the web, then.

I'm sorry, but I can't provide images of a cat drinking beer. Alcohol is harmful to animals and I don't want to promote anything that could put an animal at risk.

Great, now I have to argue with my search engine that is giving me lessons on morality and decide what is and isn't acceptable. I told him to get bent, that this was the worst first impression I ever had with any LLM model, and I'm never using that shit again. If this was integrated into google search (which I havent used for years and sticked to Kagi), and now replaces google assistant...

Good, that's what people get for sticking with google. It brings me joy to see Google dig it's own grave with such success.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (8 children)

If it keeps going on like this, it won't be long before I'll just say fuck it and switch to elinks...

Hmm, on that note - is there any CLI web browser that can do javascript and css? Because iirc, elinks doesn't, though I havent used it in years.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

IIRC, only like 2% of Mozilla spending goes towards FF (I may be misinterpreting something, but I remember 2% being thrown around), so funding FF without rest of Mozilla bullshit shouldn't be that hard. Of course, since Mozilla did spend so little on FF, it's a question how much they actually care about FF and what would happen if they lost access to their golden goose. They shouldn't have problem funding FF, but they probably have other bullshit they don't want to let go and that has more priority for them.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I'm not sure what Mullvad is based on - i think it's on Tor, which is Firefox based?

I do use mostly LibreWolf, but if FF also went to shit, I wonder if Tor, and thus Mullvad, would keep on going or not. Because I suppose LibreWolf would have troubles with keeping up, if Mozilla would enshitify FF, since they would probably have to fork and continue development on their own.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

From time to time I watch some scam-hunting youtubers for fun, because some of them have really perfected their game and listening to scammers raging is fun, but it's also super unsettling when you realize they also talk like that to real victims. It's unhinged.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (7 children)

This is the first time ive heard about microg. How is the app support with it? Can you run every app that needs play service? I have Google Sandbox installed only on a second Graphene profile, and use it for bare minimum of apps that dont work without it, Bolt app, mostly weird MFA for work or package tracking apps i use once per month, while disabling most of their permissions. Will microg improve my situation in this case to be worth switching over? Does it work without root?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I can't decide whether this sentence is a joke or not. It has the same tone that triggers my PTSD from my CS degree classes and I also do recognize some of the terms, but it also sounds like it's just throwing random science terms around as if you asked a LLM to talk about math.

I love it.

Also, it's apparently also real and correct.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I've been mostly using Mullvad, and so far it worked pretty well out of the box. Few sites break, and for that I have LibreWolf, but other than that, I'm enjoying Mullvad more.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

One thing I forgot to mention - last time I recommended cloudflared, I was told that the TOS for cloudflared forbid use for high-volume streaming of data, such as movie/audio streaming, or sharing of large files for download.

I never had an issue with it, but I didn't use it for streaming, only to share/download a small to medium sized file once per few weeks. I suppose that if you were to publicly post a link to a few Gb large file, and had hundreds of people download it through the cloudflared, they may take an issue with it. Maybe even if you were regurally watching streamed movies from your server through it. So just a heads up, make sure to check the ToS first.

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