yeh I just buy the raw milk
it's attached and no it doesn't make any sense and it sucks
really reminds me of those plastic 6-pack rings that were really bad for wildlife. and the manshow idea to make em out of beef jerky. must have been 20 yrs ago
ziggy zaggy ziggy zaggy ho ho ho
it's easy.. instead of kicking off the bottle cap, just shoot it off!
guess the upside of it is is that if you see something traumatic you can't revisualize it?
some things can't be unseen doesn't apply for everyone? must be nice
which I always found weird about the brain. usually when diagnosed they give you some form of amphetamines to slow your brain down
about the arms. spacial awareness.. and a surprising number of ppl don't have that
next question: how many times would you have to walk a new space (like a house) to remember it?
for me some reason a pitbull
yes now that I think of it, smell is def harder. I can only really tell you if something smelled good, like a gf's sweater (prob pheromones) or bad, because those are easier to forget
like the devil and the angle on each shoulder type thing?
that's Taco Bell and they've been doing it for a long time