This is yet another reason that I detest the CCP.
This is why Jesus invented ‘two cans and a piece of string’.
Dammit, I’m not even a trained physicist but I still have to do all the thinking around here.
The Adventures of Buckeroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.
“Oh what are you doing step-Dave?!”
Wait until similar code starts being unearthed in Teslas etc.
Musk isn’t a genius, he’s a thief of IP.
Ok thanks. I see the difference. It was a late night knee-jerk defensive post.
AFAIK this was previously developed about 5 years ago in Australia at the University of Newcastle Engineering Dept.
Not sure why this lot n the US is claiming credit for it.
You know… in all my time upon this earth, I cannot look back and think of a single instance where I thought: “Gosh, this advertisement which has inserted itself in between me and the desired content has actually made me want to go purchase that product.”
Sure! That’s an option too!
The part about ‘no profit’.
Yeah that’s something I’d never do because it just seems