Fuzzy search solves this pretty good
Yes. The whole post is a trick with statistics. Web pages have a limited lifespan. You can do the aame trick with human life spans.
"50 % of humans that lived 60 years ago are now dead". You would tweak the numbers to be factual but something like that makes sense to me.
If you only keep the samples you started out with, of course it's going to decline over time. The data is guaranteed to not grow since nothing is ever added.
It's right there in the name . WINamp
I don't think n64 did. They even had major frame drops in many games.
It's worth noting though, that Spotify has been bleeding money since the start. I know they may be wasting a lot of money on side hustles but still. They're not raking home any money. The only way the founders got rich is by the overinflated stock price.
E: typo
Exactly! All applications can be shit, not just web sites.
People screw up CLI's all the time (looking at you Google Cloud). They (used to) insist on using my installed python which automatically upgrades and breaks the CLI. Good job python. Good job Gcloud.
Yes you should. I think most comments here are about products that have millions of users where it's actually worthwhile spending all that extra time and money to perfect things.
For most development, it isn't worthwhile and the best approach is to wing it, then return later to iterate, if need be.
The same goes for most craftsmanship, carpentry in particular. A great carpenter knows that no-one will see the details inside the walls or what's up on the attic. Only spend the extra time where it actually matters.
It triggers me immensely when people say "I could have made a better job than that" about construction work. Sure maybe with twice the budget and thrice the time.
But Jay Z made that version too, knowing fully that the distributer can choose which pegi-level they want to use - rather than blocking the song altogether, or worse bleeping the bad language.
You can choose which pegi-level you use in the software, maybe your system is set up to defaults?
I think it's weird to blame this on Spotify...
That may lead to over-refactoring, leading to unmaintainable garbage code.
Plus, the news of this would already be priced into the stock, so if anything the price is already low and these companies would need to pivot their business (which would increase the value again) or die (which would lower the price marginally, to zero). Either way, shorting is a bad strategy in this case.