Your entire comment you posted is just shitting on men and attributing the worst possible reasons you can imagine to them posting a fish photo. You continue in your second response to shit on men just because you don't enjoy a particular hobby some have.
You can just admit you have a general disdain for men. Maybe after admitting that, do yourself and all men a favor, and just leave men alone, lol.
Only to be ignored by any actual women. Guaranteed to be accosted by bots and time wasting sex workers.
I don't know how there are any straight men left on dating sites other than the "top 10%," of course.
That was in reference to the franchise owners. The franchise owners will pay for the repair to avoid losing sales.
Many people have terrible gaits and slam their heels down as they walk. I don't know how someone comes to walk this way, as I'd imagine it is comfortable or great for the joints.
That's a big reason while I'm on the fence. There's a lot of conflicting information regarding actual costs and pollution. If I can determine that overall costs are reduced, even with the lowered gas mileage, and the exhaust pollutants being reduced, then I'll do it. As it stands, I haven't seen anything that appears definitive.
I was never into trucks, but a cascade of circumstances put me in one. I hate to admit it, but I love that damn thing. I'm always throwing shit in the back, taking more camping trips, more wilderness trips, fishing low pressure spots, hauling trailers of shit, it does everything. The only thing that could come close utility wise would be a minivan, though I'd lose the offroad capability. I don't love the gas mileage, but I'm looking at a possible ethanol conversion.
All that to say, if you have a truck, use it like a truck.
I wanna see them titties giggle.
I tear my heart open I sew myself shut
My man's hasn't seen a bar squatter at midnight.
Me at work Me at home
There isn't any excuse for incel behavior. Those guys are trash.