You're good. I appreciate the advice. :)
My doctor has given me all sorts of info on it. I was looking for more first hand account kinds of things.
Can't remember the exact price per kwh, but I pay around $120/month in the summer and about $75-100/month in the winter. The winter varies so much based on how many heat lamps I have to provide for my ducks and how many heated water bowls they use. Last winter I had two lamps set up for a while then went back down to one. They used two heated bowls a day, but I have new birds this year, so they may use more.
This is all in Pennsylvania, btw
We've tested both and neither work. We quadruple checked the IP. Windows is the host. I'll have my friend double check his firewall settings to be safe.
I would hang around in a specific and lesser-known classroom in college. The professor gave a few students permission to get it unlocked by administration when we wanted to hang out in there. We'd mostly go there for naps and to watch movies.
I was outside in 96F yesterday herding my ducks for 10 mins and my whole night was ruined because I got so sick from the heat.
Idk how people who work outside constantly do it
I live in Pa, so our weather isn't crazy hot like the south. I can't imagine the weather where you've lived. 85F is my upper limit. Anything over makes me feel like I'm going to die.
Got in my car after work yesterday and it was 102F inside. It was awful
I don't mind the music, but I do mind domestic disputes. The house beside mine is a rental and all of the tenants that have been there since I've moved in have been the worst. Trashy and constant domestic disputes and leaving their kids and dogs to just roam. I think the latest people got evicted because I haven't seen them or their dog for a really long time. It's been nice and quiet since they disappeared and I love it lol.
I can hear people have a normal conversation on the street from inside my house. The walls are thin enough to let in and out all sound, but thick enough to keep in the heat in winter.
I have a hard time with analog clocks because my brain scrambles shit up and I get really confused. Like, even the hands seem weird when your brain flips the numbers around
I was put on hydroxychloroquine a few months ago and it's great, but having a formal diagnosis now is making it scary.