joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

can you post a link to this rule?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

while true, that doesn't mean that it isn't compromised but not hackable yet, or that a weakness won't be found in the future. I would heed the advice of those in the field of cryptography and stay away from Telegram and MProto

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

agree to disagree

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

From the POV of someone who's never used a bidet, you come off like someone who was just looking for conflict.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

“Responsible” and “Bitcoin” is an oxymoron due to the inherent multi-level marketing pyramid/Ponzi scheme aspect of crypto“currencies”.

First, you're removing the next two words "financial diversification" from the statement. Your own personal opinions and emotions aside, financial diversification is not a bad idea. It's all about percentages and risk calculations. I would agree with you if they went "all in" on crypto, but they didn't say that.

Second, you're lumping in bad people with good tech that has solved a very specific problem - the ability to transfer funds without relying on a central bank or authority. Is email bad because the majority is spam? No. Is the internet bad because the dark web exists and thousands if not millions of crimes are being carried out on it? No. Are encrypted messengers bad because they allow criminals to send message? No. Same concept here. There can exist a good technology that gets abused by bad people.

“Money corrupts; bitcoin corrupts absolutely.

You can stop at "money corrupts". bitcoin is money and money corrupts.

Disregarding all of bitcoin's shortcomings, a financial instrument that brings out the worst in people—greed—won't change the world for the better.”

Disregarding all of the U.S. Dollar's shortcomings[1], a financial instrument that brings out the worst in people—greed—won't change the world for the better.”

Fixed it for you.

[1] The US spent 877 BILLION dollars on its defense budget (as much as the next 10 countries combined!) to ensure the USD keeps its power.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Do you disagree with their reason?

Responsible financial diversification requires holding some assets outside of the traditional government controlled banking system.

They didn't say they were going all in. They aren't continuously promoting - at least not that I'm aware. They were just being open and honest about how they're handling their finances.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 weeks ago

container tabs don't just isolate but also give you the option to have multiple profiles without having to log in + out of websites. if you don't need that feature, then probably.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Imagine saying that without a hint of irony after Snowden revelations

Funny enough, "Edward Snowden has reiterated his faith in the Signal app by saying that he uses it every day." - published 2021.

I’m going to stop replying to you here because I’ve said all there is to say on the issue and we’re just going in circles.

Same here, lets end this amicably and find common ground. I think we're both pushing for what we believe is best in attempts to guide people towards a secure platform, can we both at least agree that SimpleX is superior under more threat models compared to other messengers, even if it does have a few UX issues it needs fix?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

Matrix doesn’t harvest metadata like phone numbers by design while Signal does.

You're right, Matrix doesn't ask for a phone number but it damn sure leaks metadata like a sieve. Unless things have significantly changed in the last year, here's a list of things Matrix can see about you in an encrypted room, that an app like Signal cannot:

  • Your content
    • Your username
    • Your display name
    • Your avatar
    • Your rank within the room (admin, moderator, etc)
    • The Sent date of every message
    • A link to every message you responded to (the contents of which are encrypted)
    • Every emoji reaction you send, and to which message
    • (If on your home server) your IP address
  • The room content
    • The room name
    • The room icon
    • The room description
    • The room membership
  • Your changes
    • The time and message ID of messages you edit
    • The time and message ID of messages you delete
    • A history of rank changes (promotions, demotions) and who changes your rank
    • A history of things you do to other users, if appropriate
  • Room changes
    • Who enters the room and when
    • Who leaves the room and when
    • Who gets promoted/demoted and when
    • Changes to the room name, avatar, description, etc - when they happened-

I love how I’ve addressed this numerous times but you’re still unable to understand the difference. Trusting that the protocol works correctly is different from trusting people operating a server. Clearly this is a concept that is beyond your comprehension.

I clearly understand the difference, what you fail to address is that at the end of the day you are placing your trust in a third party, whether its the code, the protocols or a back-end server. Matrix removes the server if you host your own and never interact with other instances, but otherwise, you're still trusting the code and the protocols and that - as I've pointed out above - that what you're recommending isn't already leaking tons of data. And don't get it twisted, I'm ROOTING for Matrix, it just has a long way to go to address issues that Signal clearly identified early on would hold back the platform (federation + third party clients).

Maybe go read up on where Signal comes from instead of spending your time trolling here. http://surveillancevalley.com/blog/internet-privacy-funded-by-spies-cia

I know what you're talking about but you don't want to bring it up because its all tinfoil hat wearing flat-earth conspiracy theory web of poorly connected dots. Your response is the MAGA equivalent of "do your research". I've done my research. The onus is on you to bring forth the evidence. To quote Carl Sagan, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". Don't try and connect dots that don't back up your claim and stand proud behind what's at best poorly thought out misinformation.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

first I doubt anyone compiled the code themselves and use what’s in the app store

Molly-FOSS exists and is basically a Signal fork built by a third party that removes any non FOSS components. So there are groups of people who are building the Signal code and enhancing it.

the insistence to be tied to the phone number

This is a legacy requirement (Signal used to send encrypted messages via SMS) and is now primarily used for spam mitigation. This feature is unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your POV) costing them millions now, so I suspect they will eventually be forced to look to alternative spam mitigation methods as the cost to benefit ratio starts looking cheaper at spending engineer/developer time to figure out some alternative method.

refusing to work if you don’t update (in the app store)

If you're referring to the expiration of the app ever ~90 days, this is security feature. It prevents people from using old/outdated and potentially insecure or unpatched versions of Signal. Secondly, you don't need to update via the app store. There are some Signal forks (not sure if Molly is one of them) that remove this expiration, but even they will state that you should not expect the app to work forever as Signal's always being updated and using an old client will always be liable to break as its basically not being maintained.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Even Matrix is far better in terms of privacy and it’s plenty mature at this point.

I would disagree, this guy's been finding issues and reporting them to Matrix for a while now and appears to find them every time he glances at the project. I LOVE Matrix. I would recommend it over Discord, Telegram etc, but I would not recommend Matrix over Signal.

The fact remains is that I simply do not trust Signal knowing where it originates.

This is fair. No critique against this stance.

Trusting countless researchers an security experts to read the code, understand the protocols, and provide reproducible builds,

I agree! Trust the countless researchers, security and cryptography experts.

... is a lot better than trusting a sketchy US company that was started by the CIA and NED.

You're gonna have to cite your sources.


Check out the live demo at https://demo.usememos.com/

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

but before I do, I figured I'd ask if anyone's aware of any tools/software that covers my basic needs of setting something basic that may alert me if there are any intruders in the network?


  1. Fake ssh login that can trigger a script so I can take care of the rest.
  2. Fake network share (cifs/samba) that can trigger a script if anything tries to access it.

Would be great if there are any docker images I can just pull, make some minor edits, and run.


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