
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Coming soon, they will unveil the Huawei xxMatexx XTX Pro X design.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Lol, you literally quoted me, didn't actually read what you quotes, and then did something completely different.

Do you know that battery life ≠ battery capacity? That is not the same measurement as I have already tried to teach you 3 times.

Please state the calculation that you would use to "determine how often you have to recharge" that is valid for Wh and not for Ah.

What is its idle power draw? What is its power draw under load? Playing video? Sleep mode? That source gives nothing which determines battery life. All it gives is a nearly useless capacity number, just like all other manufacturers. So not valid at all. You still have exactly 0 more information about battery life.

If I am wrong, please state your calculations of what the battery life is with that 54Wh battery.

Your entire argument was "Ah is useless and Wh gives consumers the information to determine battery life" So go ahead, determine the battery life.

How is this any different at all if they said that it is a 5.8Ah battery? They don't give any current or power draw.

As an exercise:

can you tell me the battery life difference between an arbitrary Laptop A with a 54Wh battery and Laptop B with a 27Wh battery?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Please explain to me what the difference is between battery life if you have a 5000mAh battery and an 18Wh battery.

Please state the calculation that you would use to "determine how often you have to recharge" that is valid for Wh and not for Ah. I am all for it. If you can cite a single source where the manufacturer gives a specification that would give battery life in Wh, and not in Ah, I will concede the entire argument and say that you were right the whole time in every comment make a note that you were right. Please show your calculation work.

The thing is, it does not matter how much charge the battery holds, it does matter how much energy it holds. Without knowing the Voltage the Ah is useless.

This is patently, objectively misinformation and completely false. That is a direct quote of your words, today. That was your last comment. I have already laid out multiple examples of how Ah is a useful measurement and what you can do with it. Therefore, it is misinformation. It is not disinformation, but stating untrue things as fact is misinformation, even if you have no idea you are wrong.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

Sorry, but you are simply wrong. Simple math says that you are wrong.

You can buck or boost convert nearly any voltage to any other voltage.

Then measure the current output of the battery, boom you have battery life.

Also electrical charge can be used in many, many very valuable calculations without involving voltage at all.

Let's take an arbitrary example with an arbitrary battery powered device. Let's say the battery is somewhere between 1V and 10000000V. You can't measure it because you might blow up your multimeter.

You know that the battery is 5000mAh. You can safely measure that all of the circuitry is draining 1000mA because sense resistors or contactless magnetic current measurements don't have anywhere near dangerous voltages. You know that the battery will last about 5 hours. What is the voltage? Doesn't matter.

Yes, charge and the flow of charge is not the entire story, but to say it is useless or does not matter is just a straight lie. It is fine if you don't understand electronics, but then don't spit out misinformation.

Yes Watt-hours would give a more complete picture to slightly tech-inclined consumers (makes 0 difference for 99% of consumers), but then it returns to not mattering because you can do the 5s calculation yourself because single cell lithium batteries are overwhelmingly 1 nominal voltage.

Literally 90% of calculations related to efficiency are JUST as valid using mA as W.

Your device uses 12mA at idle with a 5000mAh battery has the same relevance as your 18.5Wh battery using 45mW at idle.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)

I believe it actually has to do more with historical conventions in electronics or math. (This is just what I remember from heresay when I was in university as an electronics engineer), but there is also a mathematical reason.

history hearsay theory

The easiest way to measure power draw is by measuring current draw (voltage across a sense resistor) way back before there were affordable, quality ICs to measure voltage and current and pretty much joule count.

To add to this, current sensors are much easier and cheaper than test machines that do the calculations for you.

When lithium batteries and NiCAD batteries became standard compared to the earlier lead-acid (which are measured in Wh), they had an extremely flat voltage curve compared to lead acid. They could be considered to be at a constant voltage.

Now cheaper electronics were being made and if a designer wanted to know how long a battery would last, they could take the nominal battery voltage that the battery would be at a vast majority of the time, and they could just measure the current draw over a short time of the circuit, 10s of calculations, and you have your approximate battery life. There is a joke that engineers approximate π to 3.

Even designing electronics today, everything is specced to current draw, not power draw. ICs take X current in mA during Y operations. Your DCDC converters have Z quiescent currents and from there you can calculate efficiency. It is much easier to work in current for energy running through the circuit.

Math units

Ah is a measure of electrical charge.

Wh is a measure of energy

Batteries and capacitors hold charge so are measured in Ah, generators that power the grid generate energy and use of that energy is measured in Wh (it also isn't a "constant" voltage source like batteries as it is AC)

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

But piracy is a product of their free market, don't they want their mythical free market to be a free market?

Or maybe that was always just bullshit and they rely on using their money to suppress competition while they deliver a terrible, inferior product.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

OK that is fair, though that is not self hosted...

VPS machines are a completely different beast than self hosting. But I guess I only said home use, not specifically self-hosting though we are in a self-hosted community. There are 1000 guides for setting up a VPN on your home network.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

To be fair, if something is open by default or very easy to enable without informing about the risks, tons of people will have it exposed without thinking.

It isn't that "tons of people do it so it is normal and perfectly fine" but more "people don't realize." It also uses some nontrivial amount of resources to process and block those attempts, even if they never have a chance of getting in.

There is yet a reason I can find to have it forwarded for home use. Need to ssh into a machine to fix it? VPN.

There are plenty of secure web-based tools to manage your server without a VPN also.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Google keep used to (don't use it anymore) store your notes "backed up" by email. You could view all your notes in gmail.

Maybe it was something like that?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yes, I agree with you. The argument that "we don't want devices to require internet access" is very strange to me for this update of the standard.

This has absolutely no bearing on whether devices will be enshittified and require online cloud accounts/functionality/etc.. This is not affecting the standard of devices saying they require internet access...

This literally changes nothing except creating a standard path and manner of connecting devices to the internet. Do people know what a standard, regulated path for unwanted features means? A standard one-size-fits-all manner for blocking cloud access for all devices!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

He means weeks, not days

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Sadly it doesn't work almost at all with the *arr suite even with flaresolverr.

I have had to move mainly to the small private tracker and knaben because torrentgalaxy and 1337x both stopped working in prowlarr because they had to up their bot fighting game...


Hey everyone,

I am completely stripping my house and am currently thinking about how to set up the home network.

This is my usecase:

  • home server that can access the internet + homeassistant that can access IoT devices

  • KNX that I want to have access to home assistant and vice versa

  • IoT devices over WiFi (maybe thread in the future) that are the vast majority homemade via ESPHome. I want them to be able to access the server and the other way around. (Sending data updates and in the future, sending voice commands)

  • 3 PoE cameras through a PoE 4 port switch

  • a Chromecast & nintendo switch that need internet access

Every router worth anything already has a guest network, so I don't see much value in separating out a VLAN in a home use case.

My IoT devices work locally, not through the cloud. I want them to work functionally flawless with Home assistant, especially anything on battery so it doesn't kill its battery retrying until home assistant polls.

The PoE cameras can easily have their internet access blocked on most routers via parental controls or similar and I want them to be able to send data to the on-server NVR

I already have PiHole blocking most phone homes from the chromecast or guest devices.

So far it seems like a VLAN is not too useful for me because I would want bidirectional access to the server which in turn should have access from the LAN and WiFi. And vice versa.

Maybe I am not thinking of the access control capability of VLANs correctly (I am thinking in terms of port based iptables: port X has only incoming+established and no outgoing for example).

I figure if my network is already penetrated, it would most likely be via the WiFi or internet so the attack vector seems to not protect from much in my specific use case.

Am I completely wrong on this?


I got immich with SSO up and running. It runs like a dream compared to Photoprism and is simple enough for me, but also has necessary features like user accounts.

There is one thing I couldn't find in the docs:

I already have a library of 5000 photos and 150 videos on my server that sync to my phone with Syncthing to 4 different directories (one for each phone I took the photos on) in Immich. Right now I have that directory as an external library, but I don't think this is the "right way."

My goal:

  • No duplicates between phone app and desktop app
  • Don't have to re-upload every image from my phone as my network is 100/30 mbps
  • Am able to manage my photos from the Immich app and web app (deleting photos that will propagate between devices)

Can I just map the "Upload" folder to that syncthing photo base folder and get parity between my phone and my server? Or do I have to re-upload everything from my phone? Or am I waiting for a feature that doesn't quite exist yet? I noticed some feature discussions about photo hashing and de-duplication.

I tried asking in a discussion on the repo, but nobody answers those much.


Hey lemmings,

I have a headless server that works beautifully. B450 with 2700X and 32GB of micron 3200MHz RAM.

I am currently running Debian 12 Bookworm on it. I am at kernel 6.1, but in preparation for 6.2 or 6.3 being backlogged, I want to buy an Arc A380 for transcoding since they are only 150€ here. Software was fine for a single video stream, but I bought a new house and will have 4 camera streams running. Plus I want to dabble in AV1 transcoding for media or storage of my camera streams

Currently there is neither X nor Wayland installed since it is exclusively with SSH that I do all of my work on it. After I install the GPU, I was wondering if it is possible to not even install X or Wayland since I will literally never use a display on it?

Would I still be able to do Jellyfin and Frigate transcoding without an X server? If I have to get one, does it matter if I choose X or Wayland for hardware transcoding?


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