
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I just want to see a lifehack that doesn't make my eyes roll.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

America would blow up a fusion reacto, call it dangerous, elon musk has a lot of things to say about it and then it would be illegal worldwide. Have you guys heard about coal? We already fixed it, just burn coal.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

And when they come, oh boy do they roll over and give it to them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I don't know the whole story. Real debrid is french, and they released a new law or something and real debrid all debrid and mega debrid just stopped working. Except for the thing no one uses it for.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I find it weird in general when people compliment things that i had nothing to do with. Like: nice tattoo. Thanks, i sat there for a bit and then it was done. I had a girlfriend who treated her car like she designed and build it herself. I even made a joke once where i said exactly that and je just cold heatedly said: she does that too. Like if someone would insult her car, she would take that very personally.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I haven't seen an ad in like 15 years or so (at home) and i already find them incredibly dystopian and weird. I don't really understand how people put up with that right now, but it kind of tells me that they would actually do the laola wave and yell pepsi at their screen. I found my old VHS collection the other day and watched karate kid that i recorded as a child. I think it had 2 ad breaks who were really short, and back then we thought that it's getting a bit much with the ads.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Depending on how long you were gone, don't get real debrid btw.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Easy, they call their cars something like renegade or maveric and some idiots pay 80k for that shitbox

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

That's literally why i can't smoke as much weed anymore. I just start eating like there is no tomorrow. I was once in amsterdam and we smoked pretty much all day. There was a small carnival in the center and they had a food stand with waffles and one with burgers. I was so damn hungry that i ordered a burger and waffles while eating, rinse and repeat, i don't know how often i did this, but the waffle guy was fascinated and concerned at the same time. And i was as well, i'm a 75kg lanky tall dude. It was very late and i went back to my hotel with both hands full of food. An hour later i had to go back because i thought i was starving. I legitimately thought i was gonna die.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I once saw this in a smaller scale and it kinda blew me away. I had a friend who worked on construction for a small company with maybe 8 employees and their boss. He woked a lot. He made some good money, but not compared to the work they did. The boss took so much work all the time, that they sometimes worked from 6am untill 10pm. Saturdays as well. At some point he couldn't pay them overtime, but promised to pay them asap. (And he did, but like 10 years later.) One saturday, we had some plans and i told him that i would pick him up at his workplace and we could go directly from there. When i picked him up his boss showed off his brand new mercedes AMG to his crew. And everyone was just talking about how cool his new car was, and he needs a car like that to pull his new huge boat. Literally no one was like: "waaaait a minute."

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

The only thing that makes the cyberfuck safe is it's pricetag and it's virgin protector looks

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