Woosh for you, I pretty sure they were taking the piss.
both running always at full brightness too
What the heck, that sounds painful. Full brightness is only needed when outdoors in bright sunlight. I leave it to auto brightness and it's usually at 25% or less when indoors, regardless of screen or phone. Are you sure your eyes are ok to require full brightness on a phone all the time?
What? That is one of the crazier takes I've seen. RAM upgradibility is so much better, never heard of RAM disconnecting.
There's that, yes, but downside for me is that Valve doesn't release hardware officially in my country and it always gets inflated by middlemen when it goes on sale here. So the value on offer goes down by quite a bit.
Thanks for explaining, I know public healthcare is always stretched but it's amazing you can just take a plane and use another country's healthcare and it's faster.
Do you have to pay different prices for Belgium or Germany or do you not have to since it's all EU?
I mean, given they sell Thinkpads, the bar is likely to be easier to reach for them. I do wonder by what metric of "repairable" they mean. The quote has him saying batteries and SSDs, but those are already fixable in most of their existing line up. It's the RAM (so many are soldered, even in the Thinkpad line) I'm mostly thinking about, and there's also the screen and keyboard, two other common failure points.
Wow, that I didn't know. What happened to Irish healthcare?
If this is what you were thinkng of, then yea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PICO_4
I'd rather get a Quest 3, at least you can use a separate Meta account now.
Hah, it feels like it's fighting fire with fire. xD
Isn't Pico even worse? It's by Bytedance, the Chinese company behind TikTok.
Between this and the general population's preference for videos (even when they could've been a written article), I despair.
Got it, thanks for explaining again. Really interesting to see other countries' health system. I do find it funny that Ryanair is/was used that much for medical purposes!