
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

They also get paid off of this, the advertiser pays for those impressions.

Advertisers can't switch because they can't not be present on big platforms. The whole ad industry is just companies scamming each other and the consumer.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

News websites get revenue via ads. This makes people load the same page again, loading the ads again.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

W40K has the same premise, except the "app-savvy" people are cyborg tech-priests praying to machine spirits, and which button to press is codified into rites.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If you sneak onto someone’s campground property and have a bonfire party

Ah, I would say that is worse than piracy, since you deprive them of the ground for a time. A better analogy would be sneaking into the party they are having and enjoying it with them without paying for an invitation. Or sneaking into a concert.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Obvious troll is obvious

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

my child can be part of “every blade of grass”

Being able to imagine your child as a soldier in war pretty much proves you don't know what war is.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I am not talking about whether strategically it would be a good idea to engage in conventional warfare with the US. I am talking about the fact that how you and a lot of Americans are talking about war means that they have never really experienced one, not in living memory at least.

War is a nightmare. It's not a valiant defence with plucky resistance fighters outwitting the enemy in the mountains. It's seeing your buddy still alive and conscious with half his face missing after being hit by a drone. It's your wife writing "please, it's the children here" in front of the school in chalk before they are hit anyway with white phosphorus, burning their flesh off slowly. It's soldiers raping you for fun, even if you are a man, before they kill you.

It’s our gun per person situation.

How many of those guns are effective against artillery? Against even 60 year old tanks? Against remote targeting machine guns with thermal sights? Against attack helicopters? Russia had more tanks per person than any country on Earth, they are still getting trounced. Modern warfare does not care about your semi auto at home.

You remember how hard it was for America to fight Afghanistan in the mountains? Imagine another country fighting America in their mountains lol.

You remember how that war looked? Look at this article. One battle, 18 dead from the occupying side, 1000+ local soldiers killed. Could you bear to read these in the US? Can you imagine how the US would look like after fighting 20 years of this? Let me help you, it would look like Afghanistan.

America has 120 million just on its Eastern coasts.

China has an army of 2 million at peacetime, and it is not maintaining as many overseas bases as the US. The US currently has around 1 million people in the army one way or another. Of course, if it was real, total war as you imagine, these numbers would go up, fast.

During WWII, the Soviet Union had a population of around 200 million. 26 million people died just on their side, of which only 10.5 million were soldiers. 2 million of these people died in a single battle, in Stalingrad. We have gotten much, much better at killing people since then.

This would be 80+ years of war and gun culture ingrained in Americans through countless years in human lives of video games and television propaganda.

You don't know war. War is hell on earth. It is tragedy on a mass scale, leaving scars for generations on whole societies. Seeing war movies in TV does not prepare you for shit. The US does not even have conscription.

Shit my 7 year old can shoot a soda cap off at 30 yards with iron sights.

Great, what will he do against incendiary rocket artillery at 10 km? You know, the kind which bursts in the air and covers him in burning napalm?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Yeah I think it's more fitting to use the term bullshitting.

LLMs actually know that some of their answers have low probability to be the right ones, they give them out regardless, and don't mention the low confidence of it.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

That's easy to say without bullet holes in your buildings and bombs being found every few months in your capital.

IMO the US public is presenting so warlike because they never experienced war directly to a scale of WWII as a populace, especially not in living memory.

War does not look like "let's use all our guns and go kick commie ass", especially resisting an occupation. It looks like your hometown burned and poisoned, never to be rebuilt in your lifetime. It looks like people you know and care about dying, being raped with impunity, or just plain disappearing. If you pick up a rifle, you are going up against trained and experienced and also more importantly, quite desensitized enemies who have been doing what you are planning to do for months if not years. And even if you shoot one, they will hang ten of your townsfolk tomorrow.

Just look at Mariupol and Gaza and think whether anyone would thrive in that environment.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

If that "altering and updating" means people don't need to read the original anymore, then it's not fair use.

TBH I'm for reigning in copyright substantially, and would be on the shitty text generator company side of this, but only if it makes a precedent and erodes copyright as a whole instead of just creating a carveout if you have a lot of moeny for lawyers.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Ok, has anyone got DCS World on VR working on Linux? I really want to ditch my Windows gaming machine, I already don't use it for anything serious, but this is getting ridiculous.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Technically it is meaningful, fair use is for specifically things that don't replace the original in function.

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