
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 21 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah, I guarantee you google isn't interested in showing you one or the other. They want the revenue from both. My only question is, if you pause an ad, can you get another ad in your ad?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

Pornhub is an example of exactly this. They've blocked whole stares like Arkansas and Utah over these kinds of laws. I highly doubt pornhub has a physical presence in Arkansas of all places.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I switched in November. I have no regrets. I rarely run into issues, and having the control to make decisions over my own computer is superb.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago

Naa cast-iron pan user. Throw that shit in a fire, melt away the bad and star it over.

Also kidding, but maybe.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Honestly, that's not bad for a start. That Xeon should be fine for most things. I run an amd 4650g pro and never get close to using it all.

Side Note: The people over at [email protected] have been immensely helpful for me in my brief journey so far.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

What will you be hosting on? I started with a raspberry pi. It was important to me to host on something outside my main machine. I chose the pi because it would run linux, use very little electricity, and would remain out of the way.

Initially it was for pi-hole. Which is a network wide DNS filter used to block ads (with some exceptions like YT). That got me more interested in my own privacy. So, I added a searx instance to my pi. It's an aggregate search engine that searches a bunch of search engines and won't track me. Or at least I'm tracking myself.

I've never run a minecraft server on a pi but I have a friend who has. It was fine for up to about 4 people.

From there I actually built a rig specifically for hosting. It's a little more stout than the pi. On it I run Proxmox (which I use to create linux containers for the other things I host). I do run a file share on it. It's nice because it's easy to run weekly backups so I don't lose things. I also run a vpn, qbittorrent (for linux isos), jackett (indexes torrents), sonarr (used to... find movies I'm missing), jellyfin (to watch said movies anywhere in the house) and finally I do host a valheim server there for my friend's and I.

Honestly I would at least start with a dedicated machine for it, maybe an old laptop, a pi, just anything cheap that if you screw up you can wipe and start over. From there: pi hole, seaex, retro game box maybe? There's really a lot of things you can host. Find a need you have a Google a linux solution for it. There's almost always one.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Recently I've taken to self hosting. It started with me just wanting a raspberry pi for pi-hole and has developed into a full hobby. Because so many of these services are FOSS and can run on a toaster it's helped me immensely with avoiding commercial fatigue. I also find that the communities for the hobby are insightful and, because the solutions are free, they aren't selling you on a product. They're just passionate about the service, distro, or setup that they use.

I've also learned a ton of applicable skills for adult life, so happy side-effects.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Of course its innovative, imagine the room this clears up for more ads.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I had been using Ghostery Dawn for ages. Got the pop-ups. Couldn't get around them. Switched to just firefox with ublock, no more ads. Can confirm it does work.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Ohhh I may have to look into unraid then. Didn't realize there was a one time deal. Thanks for the tips.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Makes sense! Thanks for saving me some time and money. I have gig internet as is so I know both my router and switch can handle it. Should be good with what I've got then for a while. Thank you kindly :))

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I generally do prefer containers. But I'll be sure to stick to them as much as possible. Thanks for the tips!


So I finally finished gathering the hardware for my first real homelab. I currently have a pi that I run nginx, searxng, and pihole, but I'm looking to move to something more hefty. I'll probably leave pihole and nginx on the pi. I'm wanting to set up plex to host things for home use as well as a way to store photos, Documents, etc locally. Ideally my friends and I play games like valheim and icarus and I would like to be able to use a vm or container to host game servers when needed.

My hardware currently consists of an amd 4650g pro, 16gig ddr4, amd a520 mobo and 2 1tb m2s.

My question is I'm considering setting up proxmox for this but I wanted to see advice before I go to far. Is there a more preferred option? I'm not too hung up on cost but ideally I don't want anything to run through like a host page off my network or something. And I would like something that will allow me to expand storage since 2tb isn't really a lot


Hey all,

I'm relatively new to self hosting. I set up a SearxNG on my local network and then recently set up Pi-Hole. Searx is running in a docker container and Pi-Hole is not. However, after setting up Pi-hole the IP I use to connect to Searx now directs to the default the default placeholder page. So my Pi-hole runs on and Searx used to run just on I'm guessing there's a config somewhere that I can change to make both work at once I'm just not sure where. Google was less than helpful (or maybe I'm an idiot lol) so I was hoping someone here may have run into a similar issue.

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