Piped also has support for accounts and LibreTube supports that too. Really nice to have your subscriptions and playlists synchronized between your devices.
I have wireless earbuds because of their practicability too. I'd recommend you the ones I have (Soundcore Liberty 4 NC) but unfortunately they cost almost double your budget 😅
Gotta find someone worthy of inhereting your exquisite library
If it's not available as an application, you should probably look into docker compose
What I'm using is Text Generation WebUI with an 11B GGUF model from Huggingface. I offloaded all layers to the GPU, which uses about 9GB of VRAM. With GGUF models, you can choose how many layers to offload to the GPU, so it uses less VRAM. Layers that aren't offloaded use system RAM and the CPU, which will be slower.
Some government should finally grow the balls to reform copyright, it's insane that basically the whole world uses this broken system that, among other things, makes archiving illegal
15 games for $70 are enough to save $1000, which is definitely enough for a good gaming PC. After buying a PS5 and the cheapest PS Plus subscription, paid yearly (cause that's the cheapest option per month) for a little more than 8 years, you're also at $1000. With the most expensive PS Plus option it would only take a little more than 4 years.
From what I can tell, changes are just uploaded immediately. I think If someone adds wrong data, another contributor can revert it.
They have a bigger catalog? I kinda assumed that Spotify had the biggest catalog by far because they're the most popular one.
In GNOME you just need to log in with your Nextcloud account in the system settings and it will add it in the file manager
Especially since you oftentimes can't tell at all from just a picture. There's cis woman that look more like a man than some trans women.