Fine but they shouldn’t be considered as people, lobbying should be illegal, fines can’t just be part of the business plan, money is not free speech, and if a corp is caught doing illegal activities it should go to jail or be broken up like the rest of us.
Nothing. I’ve finished work, made a pizza, grabbed some wine and gone to bed before. It was glorious
Man I know some cosplayers can be annoying but I think that’s overkill
Dude these all seem like they could be very hard to do. Mine was gonna be like save more/stop going to restaurants so much
Go back to grade school and learn about sentence structure
Maybe you can try paying attention some time. There was no anrticle and nothing was about Obama. It was about a movie and how people don’t like it because there was a connection to Obama.
I’m just curious if you go to every other post too and find reasons to boycott stuff because of chemical, agriculture, gun/military, oil, pharmaceutical, sugar, and manufacturing companies killing a bunch of people. How do you find the time to do anything else?
Ok. But why are you singling out Obama and completely ignoring everything the light touches?
You’re really going hard on “Obama bad” eh? I’m just wondering where you draw the line. It’s impossible now so why choose this?
No it’s not. You’re boycotting anyone who killed people right? Why don’t you research some of the companies whose products you consume
No but are you boycotting everything ever and living in the arctic?
Not everyone is adopting it and it’s still niche but to say no one wants it at any price is a little absurd.
I think the next few iterations of the Big Screen Beyond, especially if they can include wireless, could really see an improved acceptance.