
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I live Miniflux but found the scraper to miss quite a few articles. Five Filters seems to work well for these cases

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

He sounds exactly like the dude who taught me guitar. He'd balk at any modern (at the time, which was the 90s so Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Soundgarden, etc) when I'd ask to learn their tracks saying I should only spend time learning the "classics" which to him meant the Beatles, Hendrix, and the like. Not saying those aren't classics, but I'd consider the grunge era to have a lot of classics as well. Seems like Rick is "stuck" in the same era and unwilling to budge.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yes, and....? Did I claim otherwise anywhere? Privacy isn't a zero sum game. You cant fully protect yourself short of ditching tech and the Internet entirely. And even then, there's already a digital footprint left behind you'll never get rid of. But you can make informed choices like not trusting Google or Microsoft to host your personal data, not buying the smart home devices, keeping data local only/host your own cloud, use Linux instead of Windows, etc.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

Jokes on you. My phone is two soup cans and a length of string.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

100% agree. I've only just started my privacy/self hosted journey almost exactly 1 year ago. Still learning, but I'm loving the experience so far.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (2 children)

It's absolutely bad when the US does it. I made no claim otherwise. Cheap tech being used as an entry point for data mining the customers, regardless of country the products are sold in is pretty well documented at this point.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago (13 children)

Now with free spyware/backdoor!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I agree. I'm this case it works out for me since I'm under the 3 user limit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I chimed in on the vote for Seafile on this thread. But I think it's worth trying NextcloudPi image to see if that does what you want. I've been presently surprised by how well it works compared to my experience with the AIO image.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Came to say the same. Unlike Syncthing, it all syncs to the server and only downloads to your various devices when you want it to. Vital for my small SSD on MacBook Pro. Syncthing can do similar but requires individually selecting files and folders to ignore, which I did not want to do.


I'm on the hunt for ROMS for old systems. NES, SNES, Genesis, etc.

I paid for a physical copy of Micro Mages for NES a few years back, and just recently bought the ROM for Dataman, also for NES. But I'm wondering if anyone has a source for several that fit this category.

Let me be clear, I will gladly support the developers of these games, but I have been bitten by a few stinkers. Where the trailer looked good but the game didn't feel like it was worth the $10+ for the ROM.

One in partiular that has intrigued me is Courier. I did some searching and can't find a demo or a ROM to try before I buy. And at $10, it's outside of my impulse buy range, if that makes sense.


Trying to find a ready to go image for a Raspberry Pi 5, either RetroPie or Batocera (or others I'm not aware of) for retro gaming. I know of Arcade Punks, but is there any other resource? Tried downloading a 128GB image from them and its taking forever due to no seeders. I did check megathread but wasn't able to find anything so far.


I'm guessing the answer is "no", but thought I'd ask for advice here regardless.

I don't have FB. Haven't for years. I ditched it long before I started giving a shit about Privacy, it's just so toxic and silly.

That said, I'm a retro gamer constantly on the hunt for holes in my NES/SNES collection and unfortunately the folks in my area seem to be quite a bit more active on FB Marketplace than Craiglist, Offerup, or Nextdoor For Sale pages. In the past I've asked my spouse to message the seller for me and then show up with cash and buy what they're selling. Increasingly, sellers are scared of scams and seem to be less responsive to this type of inquiry.

Is there anyway to minimize footprint in FB? Or perhaps a way to use Messenger without an account? You can browse the marketplace pages of your community without an account, but they'll pester you the whole time and you can't save your locale without signing in.

Or am I out of luck entirely? I thought about posting "In Search Of" type posts on Craiglists to bring the buyers to me, but my area has several of those already and I'm not after bulk lots or other platforms other than the old Nintendo stuff.

I do check Ebay as well and have found a few gems for decent prices and a local shop occasionally has some stuff that hasn't been completely picked over, or i show up right after someone sells their collection and that's rad, but that's rare.


I currently have a server running Unraid as the OS, which has some WireGuard integration built in. Which I've enabled and been using to remotely access services hosted on that server. But as I've expanded to include things like Octopi running on a Pi3 and NextcloudPi running on a Pi4 (along with AdGuardHome), I'm trying to determine the best way to VPN to my home network with the goal of reaching services I'm hosting, and do it safely of course.

I have a Netgear Nighthawk that has some VPN functionality built in that uses a OpenVPN account. Is that ok or would it be advisable to come in a different way?


SelfPrivacy is in "Open beta" and promises to make setup and use of email, messager, password management, video chat and other services simple by leveraging the likes of Hetzner, Cloudflare, and Backblaze.

I stumbled on the app while browsing the F-droid app "store" and had never heard of them. I think the proposition is neat and while I'm comfortable hosting most of these services myself, my curiosity has been piqued. Searching for it elsewhere on the web as far as privacy rating, reviews, etc has left me empty handed. I dont' know if they're just too new or not. So I'm curious if anyone has tried them out or looked into it further.


I searched quite a bit and wasn't able to find a conclusive list of available third party apps that can sync with Nextcloud. So I thought I'd start one for folks who might be interested. Feel free to chime in with any you've used!




  • Iotas - minimalist markdown notes app in the same vein as IA Writer.


  • Quillpad - Google Keep clone that supports Markdown. Fork of Quillnotes. There are some quirks with this one. For example, if you create a task list from NC WebUI version of Notes, the checkboxes will show up in Quillnotes, but you cannot check them off as complete. Has a promising roadmap.

  • Carnet - another Google Keep clone. This one has an app in the NC app store, so it has a web based counterpart unlike Quillpad. The Android app is weirdly slow to open. I'll need to test this one more.



  • Tasks.org - excellent Task app. Supports subtasks, categories, reminders, recurring events. It can also sync with Google but ewwww.

Handwritten Notes:


  • Saber - Cross platform notes app. Akin to Samsung notes. This one is rough in my experience so far. But it has potential and I will be following to watch how it updates.



  • Aegis - excellent 2FA app. I just recently migrated out of Google and Microsoft's versions and am very happy. To be honest though, I'm not exactly sure how the NC integration works on this one, but it is mentioned on their site:

If your cloud provider supports the Storage Access Framework of Android (like Nextcloud does), it can even create automatic backups to the cloud.

There are others I've tested, but not long enough to make any comments on. Les Pas being one of them. I'm happy with Immich, so didn't give this one a fair shake.


I have an old Pi hanging around doing nothing. When I originally got it it had the latest Pi OS with desktop loaded and ran like garbage, not surprisingly. So I messed with it headless for a bit, then found RISCOS as an option in Pi imager utility and that is just a neat OS. Fun to play around with for sure. But now I'm wondering what else I could use the old thing for. I see folks run Pihole on it, but I've already got 2 instances of Adguard Home running.

Could this handle Syncthing? Or would the data transfer be so bad it's not worth it? Wouldn't mind having an off-site backup device at my parents house if it would work.

Anyone else got one in their homelab?


Key features:

  • PDF annotation
  • S-pen/stylus support
  • Sync (preferably NOT just via Nextcloud...looking at you, Saber)
  • Handwriting recognition is a plus, but not required

As mention above, Saber fits the criteria well, but I don't use Nextcloud and that is the only sync available in that app (unless something has changed in the last couple of weeks). I have a Galaxy phone and tablet that both support S-pen and Samsung Notes is excellent, and free, but they're not exactly privacy concious, so I'm looking elsewhere. I had considered the Excalidraw plugin for Obsidian, but I'm not sure if that works on the Android version of the app.


I'm running my arr stack on Unraid. I set it up using a combination of Trash's guide and Ibracorp's video (linked in same article). Everything had been working well. I believe I made some changes to Qbittorrent's handling of completed torrents, but I honestly don't recall. I've learned my lesson in that regard and am carefully documenting my various self-hosting adventures now.

The issue is when either Radarr or Lidarr download something new, it creates a subfolder called Radarr or Lidarr, then has the new movie/album inside the applicable folder by itself. As a result none of the hardlinks or mover tasks work properly. Sonarr, on the other hand works fine. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could check or change to fix this? So far all my research shows complaints of either app creating its own subfolder per movie or album rather than a new folder named after the app.

Here's an example of radarr having it's own folder created after I deleted it, then queued up a new download. It makes a new 'radarr' folder and puts the finished download in it, instead of 'movies':

├── media
│   ├── books
│   ├── movies
│   ├── music
│   └── tv
├── torrents
│   ├── books
│   ├── movies
│   ├── music
│   ├── radarr
│   ├── temp
│   ├── tv
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