That's not Newton's contribution. Aristotle already said that an object only moves if a force acts upon it.
How does a cape help when riding a horse?
Some people use tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment. It kind of gets the pros of tabs (user configurable indent-width) and the pros of spaces (alignment). That doesn't work in Python where you can't align stuff and the interpreter doesn't allow mixing tabs with spaces, but in other languages it is a possible style.
That's not true though. You can get the backtrace and other useful information from the coredump mentioned by the error message by loading it with gdb. Not as good as attaching it to a living process, since you can't see step-by-step what happens leading up to the error, but still quite useful.
Maybe she never used a dishwasher and has only done dishes manually heretofore?
but I’m paranoid it breaks my code accidentally
Automated tests and version control should prevent that from being a problem, I imagine.
I think I will try Gomuks, since I now also tried Fluffychat, but scrolling felt weird and on a touchpad had the tendency to swipe left on messages to reply instead of scrolling down and I was unable to resize or close the channel info and channel list, or change its font size (there also appears to be no settings button). Maybe the CLI based clients will be more suited for me, since I also don't mind using irssi for IRC (but it should be noted I also have no problems with graphical IRC clients like hexchat or others, which work perfectly fine on my machine).
Are you using any other alternative now besides IRC?
Nope. Desktop.
Since we are on the topic of disliking Discord, what Matrix clients do you humans use? I tried both Element and Nheko (the latter of which isn't electron based), and they both felt slow, clunky and unresponsive.
Where did the people that use instagram move to?
In the form of fruit or added? If it's the latter, they will have messed up something as simple as tea even further. When they started packaging them in airtight plastic (preventing one from smelling what you are considering to buy) and wrap every single tea bag in plastic, I already got mad.