At least it didn't get shut down
Yep he "Know nothin' 'bout that"
Nah it's more like that got caught being hypocrites
Hail hydra.
I've heard there are mirrors but likely they won't be maintained (when AniWatch inevitably and intentionally breaks it again) since it was done by the Aniyomi dev ...who is pussying out on further development due to the DMCA notice. We have a fuck ton of Ani forks, but need someone to maintain the forks when these websites block Ani again because of it being a threat to ad revenue.
Microsoft: we can't turn the always online feature on the Xbox One off.
They never learn
So... We need a completely 3rd party unaffiliated repo with these sources back
Inb4 user replies: "what is ur budget to dl"
I don't believe they are popular enough to have a group host it online. I have the same issue with Reelz also on Peacock
Not a victim of GaaS FOMO
That's why there is a bipartisan effort to kill it.
Killing section 230 is the response when the MPAA chief said last year that they're going to work with federal governments.
Yeah.. That's because they are. it is required that every Chinese Company has to be owned by "tHe PeOpLe" (CCP)