You'll just get a shitty hallucinating search engine assistant and you'll be happy about it!
Makes me want to buy Denuvo games even less, but I've already learned my lesson. Shutout to the only worthwhile Steam curator:
Whatever delusions makes you feel better. I've proven you wrong already so I'm done here. If you want to hold pointless internet arguments I suggest to look for someone else.
Stop projecting.
Always double down when proven wrong. The true mastery of the fool.
No, I was not. The person I was replying to was doing that, which is where you decided to disagree. Maybe work on your reading comprehension before you join comment chains for completely random reasons.
I'm struggling to get YOU to understand how that does not make you a Klan member.
They weren't allowed to stay because they were filming. I'm struggling to apply Hanlon's razor to you right now, since you sound like you're arguing in bad faith just for the sake of arguing.
They weren't "fucking with voting" and even left when they got told off.'s_razor
Fuck the Indian regime.