Maybe the real cost was the friends we lost along the way.
Are you sure C++ isn't just C+, plus it's free?
It's actually Notepad+, plus it's free
This is probably a toxic one I learned from my teachers that time I tried learning Korean:
If it feels like you're drowning it's cause you haven't died yet.
No, Dog = kog with DKE
Funny, Windows 10 dilled my kog.
I've just figured out linked lists and I want to call that the solution ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Boy, in this thread I really can't tell where the sarcasm ended and the bad faith began.
I am sickened but intrigued.
Mixed feelings myself.
I think this is a GREAT application for AI.
But I worry that the creators will get screwed (monetarily) for the use of this. I could see this coming in a number of forms to include in losing the rights to the shows they made, but that were translated to their non-native language.
Truly locking new frontiers
I mean, wasn't the elimination (or extreme relaxation by American standards) of zoning laws one of the ways Tokyo has been able to afford to house so many people at such affordable rates?
Not saying we need kindergartens between the sewage recycling plant and the land fill, but being able to build housing over shopping centers would be nice.